A database of DNA methylation across a variety of species


A database of DNA methylation across a variety of species

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Knowledge Curations
Manually curated bio-contexts related DMGs and methylation tools

How to cite

MethBank 4.0: an updated database of DNA methylation across a variety of species.Nucleic Acids Res 2022.[PMID=36318250]
MethBank3.0: a database of DNA methylomes across a variety of species.Nucleic Acids Res 2018.[PMID=29161430]


Cancer module was online. 2024/09/01
41 new projects and 341 samples related to human health have been added. 2024/08/15
8 new projects and 178 samples related to the new species Fragaria vesca have been added. 2024/08/12
43 projects and 923 samples related to Homo sapiens, Arabidopsis thaliana, Bos taurus, Glycine max, and Ovis aries have been added. 2024/08/08
Methylation Snapshots
Search and view gene methylation level