Radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (300 Hz-300 GHz) summary of an advisory report. Health Council of The Netherlands: Radiofrequency Radiation Committee.

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In a report prepared by an expert committee of the Health Council of the Netherlands, health-based exposure limits for radiofrequency electromagnetic fields in the frequency range 300 Hz-300 GHz are given. The present paper is a summary of the recommendations in the report and of their rationales.

MeSH Term

Electromagnetic Fields
Occupational Exposure
Radiation Monitoring
Radiation Protection
Radiation, Nonionizing
Reference Values

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0reportHealthCouncilelectromagneticfields300Hz-300GHzsummaryRadiofrequencypreparedexpertcommitteeNetherlandshealth-basedexposurelimitsradiofrequencyfrequencyrangegivenpresentpaperrecommendationsrationalesadvisoryNetherlands:RadiationCommittee

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