[Climatic suitability of citrus in subtropical China].

Hai-Lai Duan, Huai-Sui Qian, Ming-Xia Li, Yao-Dong Du
Author Information
  1. Hai-Lai Duan: School of Geographical Sciences, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou 510006, China. duanhailai520@163.com


By applying the theories of ecological suitability and the methods of fuzzy mathematics, this paper established a climatic suitability model for citrus, calculated and evaluated the climatic suitability and its spatiotemporal differences for citrus production in subtropical China, and analyzed the climatic suitability of citrus at its different growth stages and the mean climatic suitability of citrus in different regions of subtropical China. The results showed that the citrus in subtropical China had a lower climatic suitability and a higher risk at its flower bud differentiation stage, budding stage, and fruit maturity stage, but a higher climatic suitability and a lower risk at other growth stages. Cold damage and summer drought were the key issues affecting the citrus production in subtropical China. The citrus temperature suitability represented a latitudinal zonal pattern, i. e., decreased with increasing latitude; its precipitation suitability was high in the line of "Sheyang-Napo", medium in the southeast of the line, low in the northwest of the line, and non in high mountainous area; while the sunlight suitability was in line with the actual duration of sunshine, namely, higher in high-latitude areas than in low-latitude areas, and higher in high-altitude areas than in plain areas. Limited by temperature factor, the climatic suitability was in accordance with temperature suitability, i. e., south parts had a higher suitability than north parts, basically representing latitudinal zonal pattern. From the analysis of the inter-annual changes of citrus climatic suitability, it could be seen that the citrus climatic suitability in subtropical China was decreasing, and had obvious regional differences, suggesting that climate change could bring about the changes in the regions suitable for citrus production and in the key stages of citrus growth.

MeSH Term

Climate Change
Models, Theoretical
Tropical Climate

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0suitabilitycitrusclimaticsubtropicalChinahigherlineareasproductiongrowthstagesstagetemperaturedifferencesdifferentregionslowerriskkeylatitudinalzonalpatternehighpartschangesapplyingtheoriesecologicalmethodsfuzzymathematicspaperestablishedmodelcalculatedevaluatedspatiotemporalanalyzedmeanresultsshowedflowerbuddifferentiationbuddingfruitmaturityColddamagesummerdroughtissuesaffectingrepresenteddecreasedincreasinglatitudeprecipitation"Sheyang-Napo"mediumsoutheastlownorthwestnonmountainousareasunlightactualdurationsunshinenamelyhigh-latitudelow-latitudehigh-altitudeplainLimitedfactoraccordancesouthnorthbasicallyrepresentinganalysisinter-annualseendecreasingobviousregionalsuggestingclimatechangebringsuitable[ClimaticChina]

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