Derived Equivalence Relations of Geometry Skills in Students with Autism: an Application of the PEAK-E Curriculum.

Mark R Dixon, Jordan Belisle, Caleb R Stanley, Jacob H Daar, Leigh Anne Williams
Author Information
  1. Mark R Dixon: Behavior Analysis and Therapy Program, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL 62901 USA.
  2. Jordan Belisle: Behavior Analysis and Therapy Program, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL 62901 USA.
  3. Caleb R Stanley: Behavior Analysis and Therapy Program, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL 62901 USA.
  4. Jacob H Daar: Behavior Analysis and Therapy Program, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL 62901 USA.
  5. Leigh Anne Williams: Behavior Analysis and Therapy Program, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL 62901 USA.


The present study evaluated the efficacy of equivalence-based instruction (EBI) as described in the PEAK-E curriculum (Dixon, 2015) for promoting the emergence of derived geometry skills in two children with high-functioning autism. The results suggested that direct training of shape name (A) to shape property (B) (i.e., A-B relations) was effective for both participants. Following A-B training, both participants demonstrated emergent relations that are consistent with symmetry (B-A), as well as emergent shape name (A) to shape picture (C) relations that are consistent with transitivity (A-C). The results expand on existing literature by demonstrating the emergence of an A-C relation when neither A nor B stimuli were ever trained to C stimuli and illustrate the efficacy of EBI for training geometry skills.



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Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0shapetrainingrelationsefficacyinstructionEBIPEAK-EemergencegeometryskillsresultsnameBA-BparticipantsemergentconsistentCA-CstimuliGeometrypresentstudyevaluatedequivalence-baseddescribedcurriculumDixon2015promotingderivedtwochildrenhigh-functioningautismsuggesteddirectpropertyieeffectiveFollowingdemonstratedsymmetryB-AwellpicturetransitivityexpandexistingliteraturedemonstratingrelationneitherevertrainedillustrateDerivedEquivalenceRelationsSkillsStudentsAutism:ApplicationCurriculumAutismEquivalence-basedPEAKStimulusequivalence

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