Looking forward to the next 15 years: innovation and new pathways for research in health equity.

Ana Lorena Ruano, Efrat Shadmi, John Furler, Krishna Rao, Miguel San Sebastián, Manuela Villar Uribe, Leiyu Shi
Author Information
  1. Ana Lorena Ruano: Center for the Study of Equity and Governance in Health Systems, CEGSS, Guatemala City, Guatemala. ana.lorena.ruano@cih.uib.no. ORCID
  2. Efrat Shadmi: The Cheryl Spencer Department of Nursing, Faculty of Socail Welfare and Health Sciences, the University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel.
  3. John Furler: Department of General Practice, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia.
  4. Krishna Rao: Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
  5. Miguel San Sebastián: Department of Public Health and Clinical Medicine, Unit of Epidemiology and Global Health Umeå University, SE-901 87, Umeå, Sweden.
  6. Manuela Villar Uribe: Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
  7. Leiyu Shi: Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.


Since our launch in 2002, the International Journal for Equity in Health (IJEqH) has furthered our collective understanding of equity in health and health services by providing a platform on which academics and practitioners can share their work. Today, we celebrate our fifteenth anniversary with an article collection that presents a call for new and novel research in equity in health and we invite our authors to use new approaches and methods, and to focus on emerging areas of research related to health equity in order to set the stage for the next fifteen years of health equity research.Our anniversary issue provides a platform for expanding the conceptualization, diversity of populations and study designs, and for increasing the use of novel methodologies in the field. The IJEqH has helped to support the wider group of researchers, policymakers and practitioners with a commitment to social justice and equity but there is still more to do. With the help of the highly committed editorial team and editorial board, the innovative work of researchers worldwide, and the countless of hours dedicated by hundreds of reviewers, we are confident in the IJEqH's ability to continue supporting the dissemination of health equity research for years to come.



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  4. Int J Equity Health. 2015 Dec 14;14:153 [PMID: 26694551]
  5. Int J Equity Health. 2017 Feb 21;16(1):14 [PMID: 28219374]
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  11. Health Serv Res. 2003 Jun;38(3):831-65 [PMID: 12822915]
  12. Int J Equity Health. 2014 Jul 25;13:59 [PMID: 25928553]
  13. Int J Equity Health. 2002 Apr 22;1(1):1 [PMID: 12234390]
  14. Int J Equity Health. 2013 Aug 20;12:63 [PMID: 23962055]
  15. Int J Equity Health. 2017 Feb 21;16(1):26 [PMID: 28219429]
  16. Int J Equity Health. 2013 Aug 20;12:61 [PMID: 23962018]
  17. Int J Equity Health. 2017 Feb 21;16(1):12 [PMID: 28219376]
  18. Int J Equity Health. 2016 Mar 01;15:39 [PMID: 26931768]
  19. Int J Equity Health. 2017 Feb 21;16(1):17 [PMID: 28219386]
  20. Int J Equity Health. 2017 Feb 21;16(1):18 [PMID: 28219436]
  21. Int J Equity Health. 2016 Dec 9;15(1):201 [PMID: 27938389]
  22. Int J Equity Health. 2016 May 13;15:77 [PMID: 27177690]

MeSH Term

Biomedical Research
Delivery of Health Care
Health Equity
History, 21st Century
Social Justice

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