Long-term assessment of floodplain reconnection as a stream restoration approach for managing nitrogen in ground and surface waters.

Paul M Mayer, Michael J Pennino, Tammy A Newcomer-Johnson, Sujay S Kaushal
Author Information
  1. Paul M Mayer: US Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development, Center for Public Health and Environmental Assessment, Pacific Ecological Systems Division, Corvallis, OR 97333, USA. ORCID
  2. Michael J Pennino: US Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development, Center for Public Health and Environmental Assessment, Health and Environmental Effects Assessment Division, Integrated Environmental Assessment Branch, Washington DC 20460, USA. ORCID
  3. Tammy A Newcomer-Johnson: US Environmental Protection Agency, Center for Environmental Measurement and Modeling, Watershed and Ecosystem Characterization Division, 26 W. Martin Luther King Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45268, USA. ORCID
  4. Sujay S Kaushal: Department of Geology & Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20740, USA. ORCID


Stream restoration is a popular approach for managing nitrogen (N) in degraded, flashy urban streams. Here, we investigated the long-term effects of stream restoration involving floodplain reconnection on riparian and in-stream N transport and transformation in an urban stream in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. We examined relationships between hydrology, chemistry, and biology using a Before/After-Control/Impact (BACI) study design to determine how hydrologic flashiness, nitrate (NO ) concentrations (mg/L), and N flux, both NO and total N (kg/yr), changed after the restoration and floodplain hydrologic reconnection to its stream channel. We examined two independent surface water and groundwater data sets (EPA and USGS) collected from 2002-2012 at our study sites in the Minebank Run watershed. Restoration was completed during 2004 and 2005. Afterward, the monthly hydrologic flashiness index, based on mean monthly discharge, decreased over time from 2002 and 2008. However, from 2008-2012 hydrologic flashiness returned to pre-restoration levels. Based on the EPA data set, NO concentration in groundwater and surface water was significantly less after restoration while the control site showed no change. DOC and NO were negatively related before and after restoration suggesting C limitation of N transformations. Long-term trends in surface water NO concentrations based on USGS surface water data showed downward trends after restoration at both the restored and control sites, whereas specific conductance showed no trend. Comparisons of NO concentrations with Cl concentrations and specific conductance in both ground and surface waters suggested that NO reduction after restoration was not due to dilution or load reductions from the watershed. Modeled NO flux decreased post restoration over time but the rate of decrease was reduced likely due to failure of restoration features that facilitated N transformations. Groundwater NO concentrations varied among stream features suggesting that some engineered features may be functionally better at creating optimal conditions for N retention. However, some engineered features eroded and failed post restoration thereby reducing efficacy of the stream restoration to reduce flashiness and NO flux. N management via stream restoration will be most effective where flashiness can be reduced and DOC made available for denitrifiers. Stream restoration may be an important component of holistic watershed management including stormwater management and nutrient source control if stream restoration and floodplain reconnection can be done in a manner to resist the erosive effects of large storm events that can degrade streams to pre-restoration conditions. Long-term evolution of water quality functions in response to degradation of restored stream channels and floodplains from urban stressors and storms over time warrants further study, however.



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  1. EPA999999/Intramural EPA

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0restorationstreamNONsurfacewaterreconnectionflashinessconcentrationsfloodplainwatershedhydrologicfeaturesurbanstudyfluxdatatimecontrolshowedLong-termmanagementcanStreamapproachmanagingnitrogenstreamseffectsexaminedgroundwaterEPAUSGSsitesMinebankRestorationmonthlybaseddecreasedHoweverpre-restorationDOCsuggestingtransformationstrendsrestoredspecificconductancegroundwatersduepostreducedGroundwaterengineeredmayconditionspopulardegradedflashyinvestigatedlong-terminvolvingriparianin-streamtransporttransformationChesapeakeBayrelationshipshydrologychemistrybiologyusingBefore/After-Control/ImpactBACIdesigndeterminenitratemg/Ltotalkg/yrchangedchanneltwoindependentsetscollected2002-2012Runcompleted20042005Afterwardindexmeandischarge200220082008-2012returnedlevelsBasedsetconcentrationsignificantlylesssitechangenegativelyrelatedClimitationdownwardwhereastrendComparisonsClsuggestedreductiondilutionloadreductionsModeledratedecreaselikelyfailurefacilitatedvariedamongfunctionallybettercreatingoptimalretentionerodedfailedtherebyreducingefficacyreduceviawilleffectivemadeavailabledenitrifiersimportantcomponentholisticincludingstormwaternutrientsourcedonemannerresisterosivelargestormeventsdegradeevolutionqualityfunctionsresponsedegradationchannelsfloodplainsstressorsstormswarrantshoweverassessmentChlorideDenitrificationFloodplainGeomorphologyHydrologyrunNitrateResilienceSurfaceUrban

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