Secure IIoT Information Reinforcement Model Based on IIoT Information Platform Using Blockchain.

Yoon-Su Jeong
Author Information
  1. Yoon-Su Jeong: Department of Information Communication Engineering, Mokwon University, Daejeon-si 35349, Korea. ORCID


Data created at industrial sites through industrial internet of things devices are now being processed automatically or in real-time in the industrial structure, due to the application of artificial intelligence technology to industrial sites. However, the expenses of autonomous or real-time data processing and steady data processing (analysis, prediction, prescription, and implementation) necessitate a new processing method. We propose a blockchain-based industrial internet of things information reinforcement model in this work that may reliably ensure the integrity of industrial internet of things data produced at industrial locations. The proposed model processes industrial internet of things data that may occur at endpoints at industrial sites into the blockchain by processing data generated by the same industrial internet of things device independently. As a result, the IIoT data sent to the industrial internet of things server can be evaluated more readily, and production accuracy may be enhanced. The proposed model optimizes industrial internet of things information linkage by stochastically reflecting the information based on attribute value frequency. By dynamically aggregating the related data of industrial internet of things information acquired as a seed through hierarchical subnets, the proposed model increases stability and accuracy. Furthermore, the proposed model may be used to enhance an organizations' operational efficiency (consulting and training, for example) and strategic decision-making by utilizing fundamental knowledge about items produced at industrial locations. Furthermore, the proposed model allows for information sharing and system connectivity between industrial locations, allowing for close collaboration between industrial internet of things features. As a result of the performance evaluation, the proposed model included an industrial internet of things sensor to the blockchain, eliminating the need for an extra function in the manufacturing process and reducing the time required to validate the integrity of industrial internet of things data. In addition, as a result of analyzing industrial internet of things data by an algorithm according to the number of simulated clouds, the accuracy of industrial internet of things information was improved by 2.5% to 3%, on average.


MeSH Term

Artificial Intelligence
Computer Security
Information Dissemination

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0industrialinternetthingsdatainformationmodelproposedprocessingmayIIoTsiteslocationsblockchainresultaccuracyreal-timetechnologyreinforcementintegrityproducedFurthermoreInformationDatacreateddevicesnowprocessedautomaticallystructuredueapplicationartificialintelligenceHoweverexpensesautonomoussteadyanalysispredictionprescriptionimplementationnecessitatenewmethodproposeblockchain-basedworkreliablyensureprocessesoccurendpointsgenerateddeviceindependentlysentservercanevaluatedreadilyproductionenhancedoptimizeslinkagestochasticallyreflectingbasedattributevaluefrequencydynamicallyaggregatingrelatedacquiredseedhierarchicalsubnetsincreasesstabilityusedenhanceorganizations'operationalefficiencyconsultingtrainingexamplestrategicdecision-makingutilizingfundamentalknowledgeitemsallowssharingsystemconnectivityallowingclosecollaborationfeaturesperformanceevaluationincludedsensoreliminatingneedextrafunctionmanufacturingprocessreducingtimerequiredvalidateadditionanalyzingalgorithmaccordingnumbersimulatedcloudsimproved25%3%averageSecureReinforcementModelBasedPlatformUsingBlockchainbigmanagementplatform

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