False memories for true and false vaccination information form in line with pre-existing vaccine opinions.

Ciara M Greene, Constance de Saint Laurent, Karen Hegarty, Gillian Murphy
Author Information
  1. Ciara M Greene: School of Psychology University College Dublin Dublin 4 Ireland. ORCID
  2. Constance de Saint Laurent: School of Psychology University College Dublin Dublin 4 Ireland. ORCID
  3. Karen Hegarty: School of Psychology University College Dublin Dublin 4 Ireland. ORCID
  4. Gillian Murphy: School of Applied Psychology University College Cork Cork Ireland. ORCID


Misinformation continually threatens efforts to control the COVID-19 pandemic, with vaccine misinformation now a key concern. False memories for misinformation can influence behavioural intentions, yet little is known about the factors affecting (false) memories for vaccine-related news items. Across two experiments (total  = 1481), this paper explores the effects of pre-existing vaccine opinions on reported memories for true and false news items. In Study 1, participants ( = 817) were exposed to fabricated pro- or anti-vaccine news items, and then asked if they have a memory of this news event having occurred. In Study 2, participants ( = 646) viewed true pro- or anti-vaccine news items. News items were more likely to be remembered when they aligned with participants' pre-existing vaccine beliefs, with stronger effects for pro-vaccine information. We conclude by encouraging researchers to consider the role of attitudinal bias when developing interventions to reduce susceptibility to misinformation.



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Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0newsvaccinememoriesitemsmisinformationfalsepre-existingtrueFalseeffectsopinionsStudyparticipantspro-anti-vaccineinformationMisinformationcontinuallythreatenseffortscontrolCOVID-19pandemicnowkeyconcerncaninfluencebehaviouralintentionsyetlittleknownfactorsaffectingvaccine-relatedAcrosstwoexperimentstotal = 1481paperexploresreported1 = 817exposedfabricatedaskedmemoryeventoccurred2 = 646viewedNewslikelyrememberedalignedparticipants'beliefsstrongerpro-vaccineconcludeencouragingresearchersconsiderroleattitudinalbiasdevelopinginterventionsreducesusceptibilityvaccinationformlineCOVID���19fake

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