The 2008 global financial crisis and COVID-19 pandemic: How safe are the safe haven assets?

Muhammad A Cheema, Robert Faff, Kenneth R Szulczyk
Author Information
  1. Muhammad A Cheema: Otago School of Business, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand.
  2. Robert Faff: Bond Business School, Bond University, Queensland, Australia.
  3. Kenneth R Szulczyk: Al Akhawayn University School of Business Administration Av Hassan II, P O Box 104 53000 Ifrane, Morocco.


We compare the performance of safe-haven assets during the Global financial crisis (GFC) and COVID-19 pandemic. First, regarding the GFC, we find, intermediate (weak) safe haven evidence for US dollar, Swiss franc and T-bonds (Gold, Silver and T-bills). Second, with regard to COVID, we find gold is very risky in some settings, while Silver has become extremely risky. Collectively, our findings suggest that the character of safe-haven assets has changed between the crises. Therefore, investors should exercise extreme care when investing in potential safe-haven assets during times of market stress.



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Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0assetssafe-havenGFCCOVID-19safehavenfindriskycompareperformanceGlobalFinancialCrisispandemicFirstregardingintermediateweakevidenceUSdollarSwissfrancT-bondsGoldSilverT-billsSecondregardCOVIDgoldsettingssilverbecomeextremelyCollectivelyfindingssuggestcharacterchangedcrisesThereforeinvestorsexerciseextremecareinvestingpotentialtimesmarketstress2008globalfinancialcrisispandemic:assets?2008Safe

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