A Wi-Fi-Based Passive Indoor Positioning System via Entropy-Enhanced Deployment of Wi-Fi Sniffers.

Poh Yuen Chan, Ju-Chin Chao, Ruey-Beei Wu
Author Information
  1. Poh Yuen Chan: Department of Electrical Engineering and Graduate Institute of Communication Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei 10617, Taiwan. ORCID
  2. Ju-Chin Chao: Department of Electrical Engineering and Graduate Institute of Communication Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei 10617, Taiwan.
  3. Ruey-Beei Wu: Department of Electrical Engineering and Graduate Institute of Communication Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei 10617, Taiwan.


This study presents a Wi-Fi-based passive indoor positioning system (IPS) that does not require active collaboration from the user or additional interfaces on the device-under-test (DUT). To maximise the accuracy of the IPS, the optimal deployment of Wi-Fi Sniffers in the area of interest is crucial. A modified Genetic Algorithm (GA) with an entropy-enhanced objective function is proposed to optimize the deployment. These Wi-Fi Sniffers are used to scan and collect the DUT's Wi-Fi received signal strength indicators (RSSIs) as Wi-Fi fingerprints, which are then mapped to reference points (RPs) in the physical world. The positioning algorithm utilises a weighted k-nearest neighbourhood (WKNN) method. Automated data collection of RSSI on each RP is achieved using a surveying robot for the Wi-Fi 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands. The preliminary results show that using only 20 Wi-Fi Sniffers as features for model training, the offline positioning accuracy is 2.2 m in terms of root mean squared error (RMSE). A proof-of-concept real-time online passive IPS is implemented to show that it is possible to detect the online presence of DUTs and obtain their RSSIs as online fingerprints to estimate their position.



  1. Sensors (Basel). 2016 May 16;16(5): [PMID: 27196906]
  2. Sensors (Basel). 2021 Aug 23;21(16): [PMID: 34451107]

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0Wi-FipositioningSnifferspassiveIPS2onlineWi-Fi-basedindoorsystemaccuracydeploymentreceivedsignalstrengthRSSIsfingerprintsusingGHzshowstudypresentsrequireactivecollaborationuseradditionalinterfacesdevice-under-testDUTmaximiseoptimalareainterestcrucialmodifiedGeneticAlgorithmGAentropy-enhancedobjectivefunctionproposedoptimizeusedscancollectDUT'sindicatorsmappedreferencepointsRPsphysicalworldalgorithmutilisesweightedk-nearestneighbourhoodWKNNmethodAutomateddatacollectionRSSIRPachievedsurveyingrobot45bandspreliminaryresults20featuresmodeltrainingofflinemtermsrootmeansquarederrorRMSEproof-of-conceptreal-timeimplementedpossibledetectpresenceDUTsobtainestimatepositionWi-Fi-BasedPassiveIndoorPositioningSystemviaEntropy-EnhancedDeploymentInternetThingsSnifferindicator

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