Mechanism-based inhibition of proline dehydrogenase by proline analogues.

D Tritsch, H Mawlawi, J F Biellmann
Author Information
  1. D Tritsch: Laboratoire de Chimie Organique Biologique, URA CNRS 31, Faculté de Chimie, Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, France.


The inactivation of proline dehydrogenase by several L-Pro analogues was investigated with the aim to block the essential metabolic pathway of tsetse flies allowing the degradation of L-Pro to L-Glu. In vitro studies on rat liver mitochondria showed that only 4-methylene-L-proline was able to inactivate proline dehydrogenase. The inactivation kinetics agreed with a mechanism-based inhibition. The other tested analogues E- and Z-4-fluoromethylene-L-proline, and cis and trans-5-ethynyl-D,L-proline were neither substrate nor inactivator of the enzyme. In vivo 4-methylene-L-proline showed no toxicity against Drosophila flies, but was lethal for Glossina pallidipes flies. This result allows the consideration of 4-methylene-L-proline as an attractive compound molecule in the struggle against tsetse flies.

MeSH Term

Drosophila melanogaster
Enzyme Activation
Mitochondria, Liver
Proline Oxidase
Rats, Wistar
Tsetse Flies


Proline Oxidase

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0prolinefliesdehydrogenaseanalogues4-methylene-L-prolineinactivationL-ProtsetseshowedinhibitionseveralinvestigatedaimblockessentialmetabolicpathwayallowingdegradationL-Gluvitrostudiesratlivermitochondriaableinactivatekineticsagreedmechanism-basedtestedE-Z-4-fluoromethylene-L-prolinecistrans-5-ethynyl-DL-prolineneithersubstrateinactivatorenzymevivotoxicityDrosophilalethalGlossinapallidipesresultallowsconsiderationattractivecompoundmoleculestruggleMechanism-based

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