Acute exercise increases systemic arterial compliance after 6-month exercise training in older women.

Seiji Maeda, Takumi Tanabe, Takeshi Otsuki, Jun Sugawara, Ryuichi Ajisaka, Mitsuo Matsuda
Author Information
  1. Seiji Maeda: Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan.


High physical activity or aerobic exercise training increases central arterial distensibility in older humans. However, the effect of a single bout of exercise on central arterial distensibility in older humans is unknown. Furthermore, the effect of exercise training on central arterial distensibility during exercise is unclear. We investigated whether systemic arterial compliance (SAC) changes after acute exercise in older humans, and, if so, whether this change in SAC is enhanced by aerobic exercise training. Seven untrained older women (61-69 years old) participated in a 6-month exercise intervention study. We measured SAC after acute exercise (cycling exercise at 80% of their individual ventilatory threshold for 30 min) before and after 6 months of aerobic exercise training. After exercise training, the individual ventilatory threshold was significantly increased. In addition, both the SAC at rest and that 30 min after acute exercise were significantly increased after the exercise training program. Before exercise training, there was no significant increase in SAC after acute exercise, whereas, after exercise training, the SAC was significantly increased 30 min after acute exercise. The present study suggests that, after aerobic exercise training, SAC increases after acute exercise in older humans, and that the SAC at rest and after acute exercise is enhanced by aerobic exercise training, thereby causing an effective adaptation in increase in cardiac output during exercise.

MeSH Term

Middle Aged
Nitric Oxide Synthase Type III


Nitric Oxide Synthase Type III

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0exercisetrainingSACacuteolderaerobicarterialhumansincreasescentraldistensibility30minsignificantlyincreasedeffectwhethersystemiccomplianceenhancedwomen6-monthstudyindividualventilatorythresholdrestincreaseHighphysicalactivityHoweversingleboutunknownFurthermoreunclearinvestigatedchangeschangeSevenuntrained61-69yearsoldparticipatedinterventionmeasuredcycling80%6monthsadditionprogramsignificantwhereaspresentsuggeststherebycausingeffectiveadaptationcardiacoutputAcute

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