Disentangling Effects of Vector Birth Rate, Mortality Rate, and Abundance on Spread of Plant Pathogens.

Mark S Sisterson, Drake C Stenger
Author Information


Models on the spread of insect-transmitted plant pathogens often fix vector population size by assuming that deaths are offset by births. Although such mathematical simplifications are often justified, deemphasizing parameters that govern vector population size is problematic, as reproductive biology and mortality schedules of vectors of plant pathogens receive little empirical attention. Here, the importance of explicitly including parameters for vector birth and death rates was evaluated by comparing results from models with fixed vector population size with models with logistic vector population growth. In fixed vector population size models, increasing vector mortality decreased percentage of inoculative vectors, but had no effect on vector population size, as deaths were offset by births. In models with logistic vector population growth, increasing vector mortality decreased percentage of inoculative vectors and decreased vector population size. Consequently, vector mortality had a greater effect on pathogen spread in models with logistic vector population growth than in models with fixed vector population size. Further, in models with logistic vector population growth, magnitude of vector birth rate determined time required for vector populations to reach large size, thereby determining when pathogen spread occurred quickly. Assumptions regarding timing of vector mortality within a time step also affected model outcome. A greater emphasis of vector entomologists on studying reproductive biology and mortality schedules of insect species that transmit plant pathogens will facilitate identification of conditions associated with rapid growth of vector populations and could lead to development of novel control strategies.

MeSH Term

Insect Vectors
Models, Biological
Plant Diseases
Population Density
Population Dynamics

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0vectorpopulationsizemodelsmortalitygrowthlogisticspreadplantpathogensvectorsfixeddecreasedoftendeathsoffsetbirthsparametersreproductivebiologyschedulesbirthincreasingpercentageinoculativeeffectgreaterpathogentimepopulationsRateModelsinsect-transmittedfixassumingAlthoughmathematicalsimplificationsjustifieddeemphasizinggovernproblematicreceivelittleempiricalattentionimportanceexplicitlyincludingdeathratesevaluatedcomparingresultsConsequentlymagnituderatedeterminedrequiredreachlargetherebydeterminingoccurredquicklyAssumptionsregardingtimingwithinstepalsoaffectedmodeloutcomeemphasisentomologistsstudyinginsectspeciestransmitwillfacilitateidentificationconditionsassociatedrapidleaddevelopmentnovelcontrolstrategiesDisentanglingEffectsVectorBirthMortalityAbundanceSpreadPlantPathogens

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