Industrial Internet of Things-Based Collaborative Sensing Intelligence: Framework and Research Challenges.

Yuanfang Chen, Gyu Myoung Lee, Lei Shu, Noel Crespi
Author Information
  1. Yuanfang Chen: Institut Mines-Télécom, Télécom SudParis, Evry 91011, France.
  2. Gyu Myoung Lee: Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool L3 3AF, UK.
  3. Lei Shu: Guangdong University of Petrochemical Technology, Maoming 525000, China.
  4. Noel Crespi: Institut Mines-Télécom, Télécom SudParis, Evry 91011, France.


The development of an efficient and cost-effective solution to solve a complex problem (e.g., dynamic detection of toxic gases) is an important research issue in the industrial applications of the Internet of Things (IoT). An industrial intelligent ecosystem enables the collection of massive data from the various devices (e.g., sensor-embedded wireless devices) dynamically collaborating with humans. Effectively collaborative analytics based on the collected massive data from humans and devices is quite essential to improve the efficiency of industrial production/service. In this study, we propose a collaborative sensing intelligence (CSI) framework, combining collaborative intelligence and industrial sensing intelligence. The proposed CSI facilitates the cooperativity of analytics with integrating massive spatio-temporal data from different sources and time points. To deploy the CSI for achieving intelligent and efficient industrial production/service, the key challenges and open issues are discussed, as well.


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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0industrialintelligencedatacollaborativeInternetmassivedevicesanalyticssensingCSIefficientegThingsintelligenthumansproduction/servicedevelopmentcost-effectivesolutionsolvecomplexproblemdynamicdetectiontoxicgasesimportantresearchissueapplicationsIoTecosystemenablescollectionvarioussensor-embeddedwirelessdynamicallycollaboratingEffectivelybasedcollectedquiteessentialimproveefficiencystudyproposeframeworkcombiningproposedfacilitatescooperativityintegratingspatio-temporaldifferentsourcestimepointsdeployachievingkeychallengesopenissuesdiscussedwellIndustrialThings-BasedCollaborativeSensingIntelligence:FrameworkResearchChallengesbig

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