Pandemic-driven financial contagion and investor behavior: Evidence from the COVID-19.

Ying Yuan, Haiying Wang, Xiu Jin
Author Information
  1. Ying Yuan: School of Business Administration, Northeastern University, Shenyang, 110169, China.
  2. Haiying Wang: School of Business Administration, Northeastern University, Shenyang, 110169, China.
  3. Xiu Jin: School of Business Administration, Northeastern University, Shenyang, 110169, China.


This paper studies the Pandemic-driven financial contagion during the COVID-19 period and the impact of investor behavior on it by constructing three types of direct behavior measurements based on Google search volumes. More specifically, using a sample of 26 major stock markets around the world during the COVID-19 Pandemic, we construct a non-linear financial contagion network via a dynamic mixture copula-EVT (extreme value theory) model to quantitatively detect and measure the complex nature of Pandemic-driven financial contagion. Furthermore, through constructing direct investor behavior measurements including investor attention, sentiment, and fear, we find investor behavior plays an important role in explaining Pandemic-driven financial contagion. We also find that the impacts of investor behavior on the Pandemic-driven financial contagion are heterogeneous under several different settings, including market conditions, market development levels, regional subsets, and contagion directions.



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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0contagionfinancialinvestorbehaviorpandemic-drivenCOVID-19constructingdirectmeasurementsGooglesearchincludingfindmarketpaperstudiesperiodimpactthreetypesbasedvolumesspecificallyusingsample26majorstockmarketsaroundworldpandemicconstructnon-linearnetworkviadynamicmixturecopula-EVTextremevaluetheorymodelquantitativelydetectmeasurecomplexnatureFurthermoreattentionsentimentfearplaysimportantroleexplainingalsoimpactsheterogeneousseveraldifferentsettingsconditionsdevelopmentlevelsregionalsubsetsdirectionsPandemic-drivenbehavior:EvidenceFinancialInvestorPandemic

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