Training of medical coordinators for noncommunicable diseases based on Japanese experience.

Megumi Ogawa, Yurie Kobashi
Author Information
  1. Megumi Ogawa: Health Equity Research Institute, Japan.
  2. Yurie Kobashi: Health Equity Research Institute, Japan.


Objective: The incidence of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) is increasing in low- and middle-income countries and represents a major public health challenge. Herein, we present Japan's experience in training medical coordinators to combat NCDs, with a focus on hepatitis, early-onset dementia, and children with medical complexity. Coordinators play an important role in bridging the gap between patients and healthcare services.
Materials and Methods: We examined the training and roles of the coordinators. In the Japanese model, medical coordinators, including both medical and non-medical personnel, have successfully strengthened the delivery of healthcare services for specific diseases. However, challenges persist, including the uneven distribution of coordinators, inconsistencies in training programs, the program's relatively recent establishment, and limited awareness of coordinators' roles and activities.
Results and Conclusion: Training medical coordinators can strengthen comprehensive patient support in managing NCDs. Despite its limitations, this model provides valuable insights for developing interventional strategies in other Asian countries facing similar medical human resource shortages. Collaboration among governments, hospitals, and related organisations in training coordinators holds promise in addressing the growing prevalence of NCDs in these regions.



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Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0coordinatorsmedicaldiseasesNCDstrainingnoncommunicablecountriesexperiencehepatitisearly-onsetdementiahealthcareservicesrolesJapanesemodelincludingTrainingObjective:incidenceincreasinglow-middle-incomerepresentsmajorpublichealthchallengeHereinpresentJapan'scombatfocuschildrencomplexityCoordinatorsplayimportantrolebridginggappatientsMaterialsMethods:examinednon-medicalpersonnelsuccessfullystrengtheneddeliveryspecificHoweverchallengespersistunevendistributioninconsistenciesprogramsprogram'srelativelyrecentestablishmentlimitedawarenesscoordinators'activitiesResultsConclusion:canstrengthencomprehensivepatientsupportmanagingDespitelimitationsprovidesvaluableinsightsdevelopinginterventionalstrategiesAsianfacingsimilarhumanresourceshortagesCollaborationamonggovernmentshospitalsrelatedorganisationsholdspromiseaddressinggrowingprevalenceregionsbasedJapan

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