ProPan is a comprehensive prokaryotic pan-genome database toward understanding genomic dynamics. It covered 1,504 species across archaea and bacteria (including 51,882 strain genomes), by which, multiple analyses were processed: species orthologous gene clustering and pan-genome profile, gene cluster nucleotide diversity calculation, species metabolism circle, multiple function annotation and etc. Taken together, ProPan is devoted to accelerate various prokaryotic species research via post-processed dataset storing, multiple-dimensional analyses, and instant visualizations from pan-genomics.

Quick Search

  • ProPan v1.0 is now online, a total of 51,882 prokaryotic genomes across archaea and bacteria were processed and integrated into the database. (April 13th, 2022)

  Citation and Contact
  • Please cite as "ProPan: a comprehensive database for profiling prokaryotic pan-genome dynamicsNucleic Acids Res. [PMID=36169225]".
  • If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us by propan(AT)

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