The detail information of Familial amaurotic idiocy
Basic Information

Disease Ontology ID: DDTO:0000701

Disease Description: Deposits of fatty pigments in the brain produce loss of vision, stuppor, and seizures. Seen in English setters, Germn short-haired pointers, and Australian cattle dogs.

Inherit Mode: -

Disease Symptom: -

Disease Cause: -

Disease Diagnose: -

Treat Method: -

Breeder Advice: -

Disease Description Source: -

Associated Diseases
There are no associated diseases in OMIA/CIDD.
Associated Breeds
iDog Breed Number Breed Name Personality Height Weight Breed Source
CB15 Australian Cattle Dog Alert, curious, and pleasant 45.7-50.8 cm (male), 43.2-48.3 cm (female) 15.9-22.7 kg Australia
CB97 English Springer Spaniel Friendly, playful, obedient at home; hardworking and steady in the field 50.8 cm (male), 48.3 cm (female) 22.7 kg (male), 18.1 kg (female) United Kingdom (England)
CB112 German Spitz Devoted, Lively, Attentive 12-15 inches 24-26 pounds Germany
Associated Disease Variants from OMIA
Gene Differential Expression
There are no references.