Breed-specific Variants
The Dog10K variants are utilized to construct a comprehensive landscape of breed-specific genomic variations across dog breeds. SNPs with an allele frequency of ≥80% in one breed and ≤20% in all other breeds were identified as breed-specific, resulting in a total of 43,487 breed-specific variants for 145 breeds.
General Information
start end
Variant Type
Annotate Information
Gene Name
Annotated Gene Region
3_prime_UTR_variant 5_prime_UTR_variant
coding_sequence_variant downstream_gene_variant
intergenic_variant intron_variant
missense_variant non_coding_transcript_exon_variant
non_coding_transcript_variant splice_acceptor_variant
splice_donor_5th_base_variant splice_donor_region_variant
splice_polypyrimidine_tract_variant splice_region_variant
start_lost stop_gained
stop_retained_variant synonymous_variant