The detail information of Microphthalmia
Basic Information

Disease Ontology ID: DDTO:0000314

Disease Description: A condition where one or both eyes are too small.

Inherit Mode: In Doberman pinschers and miniature schnauzers, inheritance is autosomal recessive. The mode of inheritance has not been proven for other affected breeds.Microphthalmia with multiple defects (ocular dysgenesis) is a recessive trait in merle Australian shepherds.

Disease Symptom: Microphthalmia may be associated with other minor or major eye abnormalities. Where the changes are mild, there is usually no visual impairment. With moderate microphthalmia, the eyeball fills about half of the opening. About 50% of these pups will be blind. Where the defect is severe, all of the pups are blind. In general, microphthalmia is evident as soon as a pup's eyes are opened. Pups with microphthalmia with cataracts will usually have some visual impairment. The cataracts may be progressive resulting in a worsening of vision, or they may mature and be reabsorbed, resulting in improved vision. This is unpredictable. In the process of resorption, liquefied lens material may leak into the eye causing inflammation. With their acute senses of smell and hearing, dogs can compensate very well for impaired vision. You may not realize the extent of your dog's vision loss, particularly in familiar surroundings. You can help your visually impaired dog by developing regular routes for exercise, maintaining your dog's surroundings as consistently as possible, introducing any necessary changes gradually, and being patient.

Disease Cause: -

Disease Diagnose: This condition is apparent in pups once their eyes have opened. Affected eyes are smaller than normally and appear recessed. The third eyelid will be more prominent. Your veterinarian will examine your dog's eyes thoroughly for other abnormalities. With ocular dysgenesis, vision is frequently impaired.

Treat Method: There is no treatment for the structural defects. Complications that may develop, such as glaucoma, are treated as required.

Breeder Advice: Parents, normal-eyed siblings, and affected dogs should not be bred. Merling is inherited as a dominant trait. Heterozygotes for merling have merle or dappled coats and occasional eye abnormalities. Homozygotes have predominantly white coats and frequent eye abnormalities including microphthalmia. Due to the association of multiple defects with coat colour, selection towards a white or albino coat or towards excessive white in a merled breed (ie selecting for homozygotes) should be avoided.

Disease Description Source: Link

Associated Diseases
Disease Name Other Name Mode of inheritance Link ID Possible OMIM ID Gene
Microphthalmia - - - -
Microphthalmia, isolated, with coloboma - Autosomal -
Associated Breeds
iDog Breed Number Breed Name Personality Height Weight Breed Source
CB4 Akita Dignified, courageous, and profoundly loyal to their humans 66-71.1 cm (male), 61-66 cm (female) 45.4-59 kg (male), 31.8-45.4 kg (female) Japan
CB16 Australian Shepherd Smart, work-oriented, exuberant 50.8-58.4 cm (male), 45.7-53.3 cm (female) 24.9-31.8 kg (male), 15.9-24.9 kg (female) United States
CB24 English Beagle Merry, friendly, and curious 33 cm & under 33-38.1 cm under 9.1 kg (5.9 inches & under), 9.1-13.6 kg (5.9-6.8 inches) United Kingdom (England)
CB43 Border Collie Affectionate, Smart, Energetic 48.3-55.9 cm (male), 45.7-53.3 cm (female) 13.6-20.4 kg (male), 12.2-19.1 kg (female) United Kingdom (Scotland, England, Wales)
CB45 Borzoi(Russian wolfhound) Loyal, affectionate, regally dignified; a charming but independent-minded canine nobleman 71.1 cm & up (male), 66 cm & up (female) 34-47.6 kg (male), 27.2-38.6 kg (female) Russia
CB67 Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Affectionate, graceful, and gentle. 30.5-33 cm 5.9-8.2 kg United Kingdom (England)
CB79 Collie Graceful, devoted, and proud 61-66 cm (male), 55.9-61 cm (female) 27.2-34 kg (male), 22.7-29.5 kg (female)
CB83 Dachshund Friendly, Curious, Spunky 20.3-22.9 cm (standard), 12.7-15.2 cm (miniature) 7.3-14.5 kg (standard), 5 kg & under (miniature) Germany
CB84 Dalmatian Stable, Outgoing;Dignified but never shy 48.3-61 cm 20.4-31.8 kg Croatia
CB88 Doberman Pinscher Alert, fearless, loyal, and highly trainable 66-71.1 cm (male), 61-66 cm (female) 34-45.4 kg (male), 27.2-40.8 kg (female) Germany
CB119 Great Dane Friendly, patient, & dependable. 76.2-86.4 cm (male), 71.1-81.3 cm (female) 54.4-90.7 kg (male), 44.9-59 kg (female) Germany
CB147 Labrador Retriever Friendly and outgoing, Labs play well with others 57.2-62.2 cm (male), 54.6-59.7 cm (female) 29.5-36.3 kg (male), 24.9-31.8 kg (female) Canada, United Kingdom (England)
CB149 Lakeland Terrier Brave, bright, confident; affectionate with family, especially kids 35.6-38.1 cm (male), slightly smaller (female) 7.7 kg (male), slightly smaller (female) United Kingdom (England)
CB161 Miniature Schnauzer Friendly, smart, obedient 30.5-35.6 cm 5-9.1 kg Germany
CB174 Old English Shepherd Dog Adaptable, smart, gentle; OES are famous for their sweet, agreeable nature 55.9 cm & up (male), 53.3 cm & up (female) 27.2-45.4 kg United Kingdom (England)
CB194 Portuguese Water Dog Affectionate, Adventurous, Athletic 50.8-58.4 cm (male), 43.2-53.3 cm (female) 19.1-27.2 kg (male), 15.9-22.7 kg (female) Portugal
CB205 Rottweiler Reserved with strangers and affectionate and loyal with his family. 61-68.6 cm (male), 55.9-63.5 cm (female) 49.9-59 kg (male), 34.9-49.9 kg (female) Germany
CB210 Samoyed Gentle, adaptable, eager, friendly; conservative but never shy 53.3-59.7 cm (male), 48.3-53.3 cm (female) 20.4-29.5 kg (male), 15.9-22.7 kg (female) Russia
CB216 Shetland Shepherd Dog Bright, playful, and energetic 33-40.6 cm 6.8-11.3 kg United Kingdom (Scotland)
CB228 Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier Happy, friendly, and deeply devoted; just stubborn enough to remind you they’re terriers 45.7-48.3 cm (male), 43.2-45.7 cm (female) 15.9-18.1 kg (male), 13.6-15.9 kg (female) Ireland
CB232 St. Bernard Friendly, patient, outgoing; known as a great “nanny dog” for kids 71.1-76.2 cm (males), 66-71.1 cm (female) 63.5-81.6 kg (male), 54.4-63.5 kg (female) Italy, Switzerland
CB243 Tibetan Spaniel Self-confident, bright, loving, and playful 25.4 cm 4.1-6.8 kg Tibet
CB268 Miniature Poodle Intelligent, Eager-to-please , Charming companion 25-38 cm 4.5-6.8kg France&Germany
CB269 Standard Poodle Intelligent and quick-to-please 56-66 cm
CB270 Toy Poodle Intelligent, eager to please, quick to learn and an affectionate, loyal pet. under 25 cm
CB8 American Foxhound Sweet-tempered and easygoing, but also stubborn and independent 55.9-63.5 cm (male), 53.3-61 cm (female) 29.5-31.8 kg (male), 27.2-29.5 kg (female) United States
CB17 Australian Terrier Affectionate, Courageous, Spirited 25.4-27.9 cm 5.4-8.2 kg Australia
CB28 Belgian Laekenois Affectionate, Alert, Intelligent 24-26 inches (male), 22-24 inches (female) 55-65 pounds Belgium
CB68 Central Asian Shepherd Dog Independent, Courageous, Self-Confident 25.5-27.5 inches 88-110 pounds Russia
CB80 Coton de Tulear Bright, happy-go-lucky, endlessly charming; born to love and to be loved 25.4-27.9 cm (male), 22.9-25.4 cm (female) 4.1-6.8 kg (male), 3.6-5.9 kg (female) Madagascar
CB85 Dandie Dinmont Terrier Independent, proud, smart; affectionate at home, bold and tenacious in the field 20.3-27.9 cm 8.2-10.9 kg United Kingdom (Scotland)
CB89 Dogo Argentino Loyal, trustworthy,courageous 61-68.6 cm (male), 59.7-66 cm (female) 36.3-45.4 kg Argentina
CB120 Great Pyrenees Calm, patient, smart; strong-willed yet affectionate 68.6-81.3 cm (male), 63.5-73.7 cm (female) 45.4 kg & up (male), 38.6 kg & up (female) France, Spain
CB179 Pembroke Welsh Corgi Smart and alert, affectionate but not pushy, bold but kindly. 25.4-30.5 cm up to 13.6 kg (male), up to 12.7 kg (female) United Kingdom(Wales)
CB245 Tornjak(Bosnian and Herzegovinian–Croatian Shepherd Dog) Calm, peaceful Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia
CB256 English Whippet Calm, affectionate, and playful 48.3-55.9 cm (male), 45.7-53.3 cm (female) 11.3-18.1 kg England
Associated Disease Variants from OMIA
Gene Differential Expression
2018 Shaw,G.C.,Tse,M.P.Y.,Miller,A.D.: :
Microphthalmia With Multiple Anterior Segment Defects in Portuguese Water Dogs. Vet Pathol :300985818794248, 2018.
Pubmed reference: 30131012 . DOI: 10.1177/0300985818794248 .
2018 Kaukonen,M.,Woods,S.,Ahonen,S.,Lemberg,S.,Hellman,M.,Hytönen,M.K.,Permi,P.,Glaser,T.,Lohi,H.: :
Maternal Inheritance of a Recessive RBP4 Defect in Canine Congenital Eye Disease. Cell Rep 23:2643-2652, 2018.
Pubmed reference: 29847795 . DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2018.04.118 .
1997 Lohmann,B.,Klesen,S.: :
Cataract and microphthalmia in a litter of Russian Terriers [German] Praktische Tierarzt 78:981 ff., 1997.
1994 Shastry,B.S.,Reddy,V.N.: :
Studies on congenital hereditary cataract and microphthalmia of the miniature Schnauzer dog Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 203:1663-1667, 1994.
Pubmed reference: 7945315 . DOI: 10.1006/bbrc.1994.2377 .
1991 Zhang,R.L.,Samuelson,D.A.,Zhang,Z.G.,Reddy,V.N.,Shastry,B.S.: :
Analysis of Eye Lens-Specific Genes in Congenital Hereditary Cataracts and Microphthalmia of the Miniature Schnauzer Dog Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 32:2662-2665, 1991.
Pubmed reference: 1869417 .
1983 Gelatt,KN.,Samuelson,DA.,Bauer,JE.,Das,ND.,Wolf,ED.,Barrie,KP.,Andresen,TL.: :
Inheritance of congenital cataracts and microphthalmia in the Miniature Schnauzer. Am J Vet Res 44:1130-2, 1983.
Pubmed reference: 6870020 .
1981 Gelatt,K.N.,Powell,G.,Huston,K.: :
Inheritance of microphthalmia with coloboma in the Australian Sheep dog. American Journal of Veterinary Research 42:1686-1690, 1981.
Pubmed reference: 7325429 .
1973 Gelatt,K.N.,McGill,L.D.: :
Clinical characteristics of microphthalmia with colobomas of the Australian Shepherd dog Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 162:393-396, 1973.
Pubmed reference: 4691375 .
1959 Barone,R.,Lescure,F.: :
[Heterochromia and microphthalmia in the dog] Review Medicine Veterinaire 110:769-792, 1959.