The detail information of Persistent hyaloid artery
Basic Information

Disease Ontology ID: DDTO:0000924

Disease Description: Involving a blood vessel inside the eye.

Inherit Mode: -

Disease Symptom: -

Disease Cause: -

Disease Diagnose: -

Treat Method: -

Breeder Advice: -

Disease Description Source: -

Associated Diseases
There are no associated diseases in OMIA/CIDD.
Associated Breeds
iDog Breed Number Breed Name Personality Height Weight Breed Source
CB121 Greater Swiss Mountain Dog Faithful, dependable, family oriented; Swissies are famously even-tempered 64.8-72.4 cm (male), 60.2-68.6 cm (female) 52.2-63.5 kg (male), 38.6-49.9 kg (female) Switzerland
CB148 Lagotto Romagnolo(Romagna Water Dog) Easygoing, affectionate, and eager to please 43.2-48.3 cm (male), 40.6-45.7 cm (female) 12.9-15.9 kg (male), 10.9-14.1 kg (female) Italy
Associated Disease Variants from OMIA
Gene Differential Expression
There are no references.