The detail information of Scotty cramp
Basic Information

Disease Ontology ID: DDTO:0001202

Disease Description: A condition fround in Scottish terriers where the animal has periodic, generalized cramping of the muscles.

Inherit Mode: Inheritance is autosomal recessive.

Disease Symptom: This disorder becomes apparent in affected dogs by 2 to 18 months of age. Dogs are normal at rest or under most conditions of light to moderate exercise. However excitement and continued or strenuous exercise bring on the signs, which range from arching of the back and a "goose-stepping" gait, to incapacitation due to paroxysms of muscular hypertonicity with alternate stretching (hyperextension) and bending (hyperflexion) of the legs. With the cessation of the stimulus, the signs gradually subside and the dog returns to normal. Affected dogs maintain normal awareness during these episodes, and do not appear to experience pain. Your dog's general health is not affected by this condition. Episodes may increase in severity with changes in the environment or if your dog's health deteriorates for some other reason.

Disease Cause: -

Disease Diagnose: Your description of what occurs in your dog will be important to your veterinarian in establishing the diagnosis of Scotty cramp. If this condition is suspected, there is a specific diagnostic test using a drug that will bring on an episode of cramping in affected dogs.There are no abnormalities on routine diagnostic tests.

Treat Method: There are several factors which affect the severity and frequency of hyperkinetic episodes. These include your dog's environment, his/her general health, genetic differences, and factors that modify your dog's behaviour. If you and your veterinarian can identify the conditions or behaviours that bring on Scotty cramp in your dog, you can reduce the frequency by avoiding certain situations or stimuli, or by behavioural conditioning to reduce associated anxiety. Behavioural and environmental modification are often sufficient to reduce or eliminate episodes of Scotty cramp. When necessary, diazepam is used to treat severe episodes, and it can also be used for prevention in a situation where a dog is likely to experience clinical signs. Vitamin E can also be used to reduce the frequency of episodes. For the veterinarian:Avoid the following drugs, which will exacerbate the frequency and severity of hyperkinetic episodes - antiprostaglandins (eg. aspirin), indomethacin, phenylbutazone, banamine, and penicillin.

Breeder Advice: Affected dogs, their parents (carriers of the disorder) and siblings (suspect carriers) should not be used for breeding.

Disease Description Source: Link

Associated Diseases
There are no associated diseases in OMIA/CIDD.
Associated Breeds
iDog Breed Number Breed Name Personality Height Weight Breed Source
CB172 Norwich Terrier Plucky, loyal, and affectionate 25.4 cm 5.4 kg United Kingdom
CB214 Scottish Terrier Independent, confident, and never shy; spirited but dignified 25.4 cm 8.6-10 kg (male), 8.2-9.5 kg (female) United Kingdom (Scotland)
CB215 Sealyham Terrier Alert and outgoing; stubbornness is tempered by a sly sense of humor 26.7 cm 10.4-10.9 kg (male), slightly less (females) United Kingdom (Wales)
Associated Disease Variants from OMIA
Gene Differential Expression
1999 Ackerman, L. :
The Genetic Condition: A Guide to Health Problems in Purebred Dogs AAHA Press. Lakewood, Colorado. pp 142-143
1995 Fenner, W.R. :
Diseases of the brain W.B. Saunders Co., Toronto. S.J. Ettinger and E.C. Feldman (eds.) Textbook of Veterinary Internal Medicine, pp. 578-629