The detail information of Vitiligo
Basic Information

Disease Ontology ID: DDTO:0000426

Disease Description: A lack of pigment in the skin (called vitiligo in man and hypopigmentation in nonhuman animals). Common in rottweilers, Doberman pinschers, Old English sheepdogs and dachshunds

Inherit Mode: -

Disease Symptom: unknown.

Disease Cause: -

Disease Diagnose: This condition does not affect your dog's generalhealth.

Treat Method: A skin biopsy can help to rule out acquired causes ofvitiligo suchas inflammation. Taking a biopsy is a simple procedure, done withlocal anesthetic, inwhich your veterinarian removes a small sample of your dog's skin forexamination by aveterinary pathologist.

Breeder Advice: -

Disease Description Source: Link

Associated Diseases
Disease Name Other Name Mode of inheritance Link ID Possible OMIM ID Gene
Vitiligo - - -
Associated Breeds
iDog Breed Number Breed Name Personality Height Weight Breed Source
CB31 Belgian Tervuren Smart, self-assured, very trainable; affectionate and possessive with loved ones 61-66 cm (male), 55.9-61 cm (female) 24.9-34 kg (male), 20.4-27.2 kg (female) Belgium
CB88 Doberman Pinscher Alert, fearless, loyal, and highly trainable 66-71.1 cm (male), 61-66 cm (female) 34-45.4 kg (male), 27.2-40.8 kg (female) Germany
CB110 German Shepherd Dog Smart, confident, courageous, and steady; a true dog lover's dog 61-66 cm (male), 55.9-61 cm (female) 29.5-40.8 kg (male), 22.7-31.8 kg (female) Germany
CB205 Rottweiler Reserved with strangers and affectionate and loyal with his family. 61-68.6 cm (male), 55.9-63.5 cm (female) 49.9-59 kg (male), 34.9-49.9 kg (female) Germany
CB17 Australian Terrier Affectionate, Courageous, Spirited 25.4-27.9 cm 5.4-8.2 kg Australia
CB89 Dogo Argentino Loyal, trustworthy,courageous 61-68.6 cm (male), 59.7-66 cm (female) 36.3-45.4 kg Argentina
CB117 Gordon Setter Bold, confident, and resolute afield; sweetly affectionate by the fireside 61-68.6 cm (male), 58.4-66 cm (female) 24.9-36.3 kg (male), 20.4-31.8 kg (female) United Kingdom (Scotland)
CB132 Irish Terrier Bold, dashing, even reckless; stouthearted at work, tenderhearted at home 45.7 cm 12.2 kg (male), 11.3 kg (female) Ireland
CB175 Otterhound Even-Tempered, amiable, boisterous 68.6 cm (male), 61 cm (female) 52.2 kg (male), 36.3 kg (female) United Kingdom (England)
CB206 Russell Terrier Alert, lively, inquisitive, and friendly 25.4-30.5 cm 4.1-6.8 kg United Kingdom (England)
CB211 Schapendoes Friendly, high spirited, and affectionate Netherlands
CB217 Japanese Shiba Inu Alert, active, and attentive 35.6-43.2 cm (male), 33-40.6 cm (female) 8.2-10.9 kg (male), 6.8-9.1 kg (female) Japan
CB221 Silky Terrier Friendly, vivacious, cheeky; in all ways a true terrier 22.9-25.4 cm around 4.5 kg Australia
CB233 Stabyhoun Friendly, sensitive, intelligent, peaceful, patient, and willing to please, but may be stubborn on occasion Netherlands
Associated Disease Variants from OMIA
Gene Differential Expression
1999 Ackerman, L. :
The GeneticConnection AAHA Press A Guideto Health Problems in Purebred Dogs. p. 62
1993 Wisselink,M.A.: :
Vitiligo-Poliosis in the Male Rotweiler Tijdschrift Voor Diergeneeskunde 118:659, 1993.
Pubmed reference: 8236230 .