The detail information of colour dilution alopecia
Basic Information

Disease Ontology ID: DDTO:0000892

Disease Description: This condition develops in some, but not all dogs that have been bred for unusual coat colour, especially "fawn" (a dilution of a  normally red or brown coat) or "blue" ( a dilution of the normal black and tan coat colour). Alopecia means hairlessness - affected dogs have a poor, patchy haircoat progressing to widespread permanent hair loss. At the cellular level, there are abnormalities of the hair follicles and uneven clumping of pigment (melanin) granules in the hair shafts in affected areas

Inherit Mode: The inheritance is unclear. The condition is thought to be due to the interaction of different factors at the gene position for colour. It is not simply determined by the genes at that locus, because not all dogs with colour dilution develop coat problems.

Disease Symptom: Dogs with this condition are born with a normalhaircoat. Those withlighter blue or fawn hair coats usually start to show changes by 6months while in dogswith darker steel blue coats, the changes may not be evident until 2or 3 years of age.Your dog will experience hair loss and dry skin. Sometimes theearliest sign is arecurring bacterial infection (folliculitis), generally on the back,where you will seesmall bumps which are infected hair follicles. This clears uptemporarily withantibiotics, but the affected area is very slow to regrow hair, orremains hairless. Hair loss is usually first apparent on the backand by 2 or 3 yearshas spread over all the light coloured areas of the body. The exposedskin is often scalyand is susceptible to sunburn or extreme cold. Your dog's health isnot otherwise affectedby this condition.

Disease Cause: -

Disease Diagnose: Your veterinarian may suspect this disorder if yourdog has typicalhaircoat changes and is an unusual colour for the breed. The diagnosisis confirmedthrough microscopic examination of plucked hairs or a skin biopsy. Thelatter is a simpleprocedure, done with local anesthetic, in which your veterinarianremoves a small sampleof your dog's skin for examination by a veterinary pathologist. Thebiopsy will showchanges characteristic of this condition.

Treat Method: Your dog can lead a normal healthy life withperiodic symptomatictreatment as needed - moisturizing rinses for dry scaly skin orantibiotics for bacterialinfections. Since early hair loss occurs due to breakage,you may be able toslow the rate of loss by avoiding harsh shampoos and vigorousgrooming. For the veterinarian: Therehave been some earlyreports of hair regrowth using etretinate treatment . (See resourcebelow.)

Breeder Advice: Affected dogs, their parents and siblings shouldnot be used forbreeding. The condition can be entirely avoided by the use ofnon-colour-diluted dogs inbreeding programmes.

Disease Description Source: Link

Associated Diseases
There are no associated diseases in OMIA/CIDD.
Associated Breeds
iDog Breed Number Breed Name Personality Height Weight Breed Source
CB34 Bernese Mountain Dog Good-natured and calm. 63.5-71.1 cm (male), 58.4-66 cm (female) 39-49.9 kg (male), 35.8-49.9 kg (female) Switzerland
CB71 Chihuahua Graceful, charming, and sassy. 15.2-22.9 cm 1.4-2.7 kg Mexico
CB75 Chow Chow Serious-minded, dignified, bright, and aloof 43.2-50.8 cm 20.4-31.8 kg China
CB88 Doberman Pinscher Alert, fearless, loyal, and highly trainable 66-71.1 cm (male), 61-66 cm (female) 34-45.4 kg (male), 27.2-40.8 kg (female) Germany
CB131 Irish Setter Outgoing, sweet-natured, active, and trainable 68.6 cm (male), 63.5 cm (female) 31.8 kg (male), 27.2 kg (female) Ireland
CB160 Miniature Pinscher Fearless, Fun-Loving, Proud 25.4-31.8 cm 3.6-4.5 kg Germany
CB194 Portuguese Water Dog Affectionate, Adventurous, Athletic 50.8-58.4 cm (male), 43.2-53.3 cm (female) 19.1-27.2 kg (male), 15.9-22.7 kg (female) Portugal
CB209 Saluki Gentle, dignified, loyal but independent-minded 58.4-71.1 cm (male), considerably smaller (female) 18.1-29.5 kg Fertile Crescent
CB212 Schipperke Alert, curious, confident; intense, but with a dash of mischief and impudence 27.9-33 cm (male), 25.4-30.5 cm (female) 4.5-7.3 kg Belgium
CB216 Shetland Shepherd Dog Bright, playful, and energetic 33-40.6 cm 6.8-11.3 kg United Kingdom (Scotland)
CB221 Silky Terrier Friendly, vivacious, cheeky; in all ways a true terrier 22.9-25.4 cm around 4.5 kg Australia
CB256 English Whippet Calm, affectionate, and playful 48.3-55.9 cm (male), 45.7-53.3 cm (female) 11.3-18.1 kg England
CB262 Yorkshire Terrier Sprightly, tomboyish, and affectionate 17.8-20.3 cm 3.2 kg United Kingdom (England)
CB269 Standard Poodle Intelligent and quick-to-please 56-66 cm
Associated Disease Variants from OMIA
Gene Differential Expression
1995 Scott, D.W., Miller, W.H., Griffin, C.E. :
Mullerand Kirk'sSmall Animal Dermatology. p. 777. W.B. Saunders Co., Toronto.
1995 Power, H.T., Ihrke, P.J. :
The use of syntheticretinoids inveterinary medicine S.J. Ettinger and E.C. Feldman (eds.)Textbook ofVeterinary Internal Medicine. p 585-590. W.B. Saunders Co., Toronto