The detail information of vitamin A-responsive dermatosis
Basic Information

Disease Ontology ID: DDTO:0000998

Disease Description: This is a condition where there is scaling and crusting around the hair follicles. There is no nutritional deficiency in the diet; however the condition responds to dietary supplementation  with large doses of vitamin A.

Inherit Mode: unknown

Disease Symptom: There is dandruff, hair loss, and marked crusting.Your dog's healthis otherwise unaffected.

Disease Cause: -

Disease Diagnose: A skin biopsy is necessary to make the diagnosis.This is a simpleprocedure, done with local anesthetic, in which your veterinarianremoves a small sampleof your dog's skin for examination by a veterinary pathologist. Thebiopsy will showcharacteristic changes of this condition.

Treat Method: As the name implies, the condition is treated withlarge doses ofvitamin A.

Breeder Advice: Although little is known about inheritance, it isrecommended not tobreed affected dogs.

Disease Description Source: Link

Associated Diseases
There are no associated diseases in OMIA/CIDD.
Associated Breeds
iDog Breed Number Breed Name Personality Height Weight Breed Source
CB78 Cocker Spaniel Happy, smart, gentle 36.8-39.4 cm (male), 34.3-36.8 cm (female) 11.3-13.6 kg (male), 9.1-11.3 kg (female)
CB147 Labrador Retriever Friendly and outgoing, Labs play well with others 57.2-62.2 cm (male), 54.6-59.7 cm (female) 29.5-36.3 kg (male), 24.9-31.8 kg (female) Canada, United Kingdom (England)
Associated Disease Variants from OMIA
Gene Differential Expression
1999 Ackerman, L. :
The GeneticConnection AAHA Press A Guideto Health Problems in Purebred Dogs. p. 62