The detail information of Weimaraner immunodeficiency
Basic Information

Disease Ontology ID: DDTO:0001000

Disease Description: Weimaraner immunodeficiency syndrome is an immunodeficiency in which the host suffers from lower than normal levels of concentration of serum IgG as well as frequently IgM and IgA (proteins found in plasma and other body fluids) in addition to neutrophil (a type of white blood cell) functional defects.

Inherit Mode: unknown.

Disease Symptom: Dogs with this condition are affected at a young age with recurring fevers and infections of the skin and muscle.

Disease Cause: -

Disease Diagnose: This disorder is uncommon. Your veterinarian may begin to suspect an immune deficiency when your pup has recurring infections. Laboratory tests will help with the diagnosis.

Treat Method: Antibiotics are used as needed to treat the infections. There is no treatment for the condition itself.

Breeder Advice: Affected dogs should not be used for breeding, and close relatives should be screened to determine that they have normal neutrophil function and immunoglobulin levels before being considered for a breeding programme.

Disease Description Source: Link

Associated Diseases
There are no associated diseases in OMIA/CIDD.
Associated Breeds
iDog Breed Number Breed Name Personality Height Weight Breed Source
CB252 Weimaraner Friendly, fearless, alert, obedient 63.5-68.6 cm (male), 58.4-63.5 cm (female) 31.8-40.8 kg (male), 24.9-34 kg (female) Germany
Associated Disease Variants from OMIA
Gene Differential Expression
1999 Ackerman, L. :
The Genetic Connection: A Guide to Health Problems in Purebred Dogs AAHA Press, Lakewood, Colorado. p. 100