The detail information of Cutaneous asthenia
Basic Information

Disease Ontology ID: DDTO:0000951

Another Name: Ehlers- Danlos syndrome

Disease Description: A condition where the skin lacks its normal strength, elasticity and sensation. Also called Ehlers- Danlos syndrome. Seen in several breeds, including English springer spaniels and boxers.

Inherit Mode: Most forms of the disorder appear to have an autosomal dominant mode of inheritance, although an autosomal recessive form likely occurs as well.

Disease Symptom: The skin of affected dogs is soft and thin,extremely stretchy andoften hangs loosely in folds. It tears easily with minimal cause, suchas your dogscratching, and there is usually very little bleeding. Small tearsheal rapidly leavingirregular white scars, or the tears may enlarge. Less often, there is looseness of the joints oreye abnormalitieswith this condition.

Disease Cause: -

Disease Diagnose: It is generally fairly easy to recognize thiscondition, typicallyin a young dog with stretchy, easily torn, excessively scarred skinand no history ofrecent trauma to account for it. Your veterinarian may submit a skinbiopsy (a simpleprocedure, done with local anesthetic) for examination by a veterinarypathologist.

Treat Method: Your veterinarian will discuss with you lifestyleand housingmodifications that are essential to the management of this condition.Activities that maylead to mild trauma, such as playing with other animals or running offlead in woodyareas, must be avoided. Rough or sharp corners and objects in yourhouse should be removedor padded. Your dog's resting places must be well-padded as well.Prompt veterinaryattention will be necessary to suture any wounds that occur beforethey enlarge, or totreat any other skin conditions (which may cause your dog to scratch). Many affected animals are euthanized due to theincurable nature ofthis condition, and the extensive care and attention that will berequired life-long.

Breeder Advice: With dominant forms of this disorder, affecteddogs and the affectedparent should not be bred. If the inheritance appears to be recessive(ie. an affected dogis born of apparently normal parents), then the parents (carriers ofthe trait) andsiblings (potential carriers) of the affected dog should not be bred

Disease Description Source: Link

Associated Diseases
There are no associated diseases in OMIA/CIDD.
Associated Breeds
iDog Breed Number Breed Name Personality Height Weight Breed Source
CB24 English Beagle Merry, friendly, and curious 33 cm & under 33-38.1 cm under 9.1 kg (5.9 inches & under), 9.1-13.6 kg (5.9-6.8 inches) United Kingdom (England)
CB48 German Boxer Fun-loving, bright, active and loyal 58.4-63.5 cm (male), 54.6-59.7 cm (female) 29.5-36.3 kg (male), females are about 6.8 kg less than male Germany
CB83 Dachshund Friendly, Curious, Spunky 20.3-22.9 cm (standard), 12.7-15.2 cm (miniature) 7.3-14.5 kg (standard), 5 kg & under (miniature) Germany
CB96 English Setter Friendly, merry, and mellow; called the “gentleman of the dog world” 63.5-68.6 cm (male), 58.4-63.5 cm (female) 29.5-36.3 kg (male), 20.4-24.9 kg (female) United Kingdom (England)
CB97 English Springer Spaniel Friendly, playful, obedient at home; hardworking and steady in the field 50.8 cm (male), 48.3 cm (female) 22.7 kg (male), 18.1 kg (female) United Kingdom (England)
CB110 German Shepherd Dog Smart, confident, courageous, and steady; a true dog lover's dog 61-66 cm (male), 55.9-61 cm (female) 29.5-40.8 kg (male), 22.7-31.8 kg (female) Germany
CB122 Greyhound Independent, gentle, noble, and oh so sweet, but intense when on the run 71.1-76.2 cm (male), 68.6-71.1 cm (female) 29.5-31.8 kg (male), 27.2-29.5 kg (female) United Kingdom, Middle East
CB131 Irish Setter Outgoing, sweet-natured, active, and trainable 68.6 cm (male), 63.5 cm (female) 31.8 kg (male), 27.2 kg (female) Ireland
CB141 Keeshond Outgoing, lively, friendly to all; a lover, not a fighter 45.7 cm (male), 43.2 cm (female) 15.9-20.4 kg Netherlands, Germany
CB156 Manchester Terrier Spirited, bright, keenly observant; dead loyal, in an independent terrier way 38.1-40.6 cm 5.4-10 kg (standard) United Kingdom (England)
CB161 Miniature Schnauzer Friendly, smart, obedient 30.5-35.6 cm 5-9.1 kg Germany
CB179 Pembroke Welsh Corgi Smart and alert, affectionate but not pushy, bold but kindly. 25.4-30.5 cm up to 13.6 kg (male), up to 12.7 kg (female) United Kingdom(Wales)
CB228 Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier Happy, friendly, and deeply devoted; just stubborn enough to remind you they’re terriers 45.7-48.3 cm (male), 43.2-45.7 cm (female) 15.9-18.1 kg (male), 13.6-15.9 kg (female) Ireland
CB232 St. Bernard Friendly, patient, outgoing; known as a great “nanny dog” for kids 71.1-76.2 cm (males), 66-71.1 cm (female) 63.5-81.6 kg (male), 54.4-63.5 kg (female) Italy, Switzerland
CB266 Australian Kelpie Alert, eager and highly intelligent, with an inexhaustible energy, loyalty and devotion to duty. 43-51 cm Australia
CB25 Bearded Collie Bouncy, charismatic, friendly; smart, but also stubborn and independent 53.3-55.9 cm (male), 50.8-53.3 cm (female) 20.4-24.9 kg United Kingdom (Scotland)
CB49 Boykin Spaniel Friendly, eager, trainable, lovable 39.4-45.7 cm (male), 35.6-41.9 cm (female) 13.6-18.1 kg (male), 11.3-15.9 kg (female) United States
CB78 Cocker Spaniel Happy, smart, gentle 36.8-39.4 cm (male), 34.3-36.8 cm (female) 11.3-13.6 kg (male), 9.1-11.3 kg (female)
CB98 English Toy Spaniel Affectionate, Alert, Merry 22.9-25.4 cm 3.6-6.4 kg England
CB111 German Short-Haired Pointer Friendly, smart, willing to please 58.4-63.5 cm (male), 53.3-58.4 cm (female) 24.9-31.8 kg (male), 20.4-27.2 kg (female) Germany
CB123 Hamiltonstovare(Hamilton Hound) Agile, Versatile, Regal 53-61cm (male) 49-57cm (female) 18-26kg Sweden
CB180 Perro de Presa Canario(Canary Mastiff) Confident, Calm, Strong-Willed 22-26 inches 84-110 pounds Spain
CB233 Stabyhoun Friendly, sensitive, intelligent, peaceful, patient, and willing to please, but may be stubborn on occasion Netherlands
Associated Disease Variants from OMIA
Gene Differential Expression
1995 Scott, D.W., Miller, W.H., Griffin, C.E. :
Mullerand Kirk's Small Animal Dermatology. W.B. Saunders Co.,Toronto. pp 785