The detail information of Cystic ovaries
Basic Information

Disease Ontology ID: DDTO:0000518

Disease Description: A condition where the ovarian follicles become cyctic (fluid filled) leading to hormonal imbalances and other problems.

Inherit Mode: -

Disease Symptom: The symptoms of ovarian cysts will depend on the type of cyst found in the dog. If the dog has a follicular cyst, he may display the following symptoms:Swelling of the vulva, due to the high amounts of estrogen in the dog’s body;Vulvar discharges that may contain blood and occur outside the regular bleeding in the heat cycle;Hair loss.If the dog is affected by an epithelial or stromal cyst, there may be symptoms such as:Irregular heat cycles or lack of heat cycles;Extended heat cycles;Acne;Hair loss;Abdominal swelling due to pus or fluid accumulation in the abdominal cavity.Some dogs with ovarian cysts may not present any symptoms.

Disease Cause: The causes of canine ovarian cysts are not known. Some vets will attribute the formation of ovarian cysts to a recent estrus or to hormonal changes (i.e. an excess of estrogen). However, the condition may also be idiopathic. Unspayed female dogs are more likely to have ovarian cysts.

Disease Diagnose: A physical exam will be needed and blood tests will be performed. X-rays and ultrasounds will be needed to detect the location and the size of the cysts. The vet will have to rule out ovarian tumors, which often present the same symptoms. The only way to differentiate between a benign growth such as a cyst and a malignant tumor is to have a biopsy. A small sample of tissues will be analyzed under the microscope and the vet will see if the cells are malignant.

Treat Method: The ovarian cysts are typically benign formations and will not turn into malignant tumors (with rare exceptions). Consequently, the ovarian cysts may not need surgical removal. Surgery will only be recommended if the cysts seem to grow rapidly and may affect other organs in the abdominal cavity. The presence of a cyst may interfere with the dog’s fertility and should be removed if you want to breed the dog. If the cyst is not removed, the dog should be monitored and she should get regular x-rays and ultrasounds to establish if the cysts grow or transform in any way. In many cases, the ovarian cysts disappear without any treatment. In other cases, the vet may recommend hormonal therapy to reestablish the hormonal balance, which can also eliminate the cysts.

Breeder Advice: -

Disease Description Source: Link

Associated Diseases
There are no associated diseases in OMIA/CIDD.
Associated Breeds
iDog Breed Number Breed Name Personality Height Weight Breed Source
CB47 Bouvier des Flandres(Flanders Cattle Dog) Strong-willed, even-tempered, courageous; affectionate with family, intimidating to intruders 62.2-69.9 cm (male), 59.7-67.3 cm (female) 31.8-49.9 kg Belgium
Associated Disease Variants from OMIA
Gene Differential Expression
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