The detail information of Amyloidosis
OMIA Basic Information

Possible human homologues (MIM numbers):

Mendelian trait/disorder: unknown

Mode of inheritance: -

Considered a defect: yes

Year key mutation first reported: -

Species-specific name: -

Species-specific symbol: -

More detail information can see in

Associated Breeds
There are associated breeds.
Associated Gene
There are no associated genes.
Note: the references are listed in reverse chronological order (from the most recent year to the earliest year), and alphabetically by first author within a year.
1994 Gelens,H.C.,Vanderlindesipman,J.S.,Vanederen,A.M.,Ultee,A.,Alsemgeest,S.P.M.,Gruys,E.: :
Reactive amyloidosis in a puppy, associated with a chronic inflammatory syndrome Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association 30:529-532, 1994.
1994 Loeven,K.O.: :
Hepatic Amyloidosis in 2 Chinese Shar-Pei Dogs Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 204:1212-1216, 1994.
Pubmed reference: 8014090 .
1994 Loeven,K.O.: :
Spontaneous hepatic rupture secondary to amyloidosis in a Chinese shar pei Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association 30:577-579, 1994.
1992 Bowles,M.H.,Mosier,D.A.: :
Renal Amyloidosis in a Family of Beagles Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 201:569-574, 1992.
Pubmed reference: 1517131 .
1992 Johnson,K.H.,Sletten,K.,Hayden,D.W.,Obrien,T.D.,Roertgen,K.E.,Westermark,P.: :
Pulmonary Vascular Amyloidosis in Aged Dogs - A New Form of Spontaneously Occurring Amyloidosis Derived from Apolipoprotein AI American Journal of Pathology 141:1013-1019, 1992.
Pubmed reference: 1443041 .
1990 Dibartola,S.P.,Tarr,M.J.,Webb,D.M.,Giger,U.: :
Familial Renal Amyloidosis in Chinese Shar-Pei Dogs Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 197:483-487, 1990.
Pubmed reference: 2211293 .