The detail information of Haemolytic anaemia
OMIA Basic Information

Possible human homologues (MIM numbers): -

Mendelian trait/disorder: unknown

Mode of inheritance: -

Considered a defect: yes

Year key mutation first reported: -

Species-specific name: -

Species-specific symbol: -

More detail information can see in

Associated Breeds
There are associated breeds.
Associated Gene
There are no associated genes.
Note: the references are listed in reverse chronological order (from the most recent year to the earliest year), and alphabetically by first author within a year.
2015 Mizuno,T.: :
A brighter future for dogs with immune-mediated haemolytic anaemia. Vet J :, 2015.
Pubmed reference: 26831165 . DOI: 10.1016/j.tvjl.2015.11.018 .
2009 Al-Ghazlat,S.: :
Immunosuppressive therapy for canine immune-mediated hemolytic anemia. Compend Contin Educ Vet 31:33-41, 44; quiz 44, 2009.
Pubmed reference: 19241356 .
1992 Klag,A.R.: :
Hemolytic Anemia in Dogs Compendium on Continuing Education for the Practicing Veterinarian 14:1090, 1992.
1989 Carafoli,E.: :
The Activity of the Red Blood Cell Ca Pump Is Decreased in Hemolytic Anemia of the Beagle Dog - Commentary Blood Cells 15:421-423, 1989.
1989 Hinds,T.R.,Hammond,W.P.,Maggioprice,L.,Dodson,R.A.,Vincenzi,F.F.: :
The Activity of the Red Blood Cell Ca Pump Is Decreased in Hemolytic Anemia of the Beagle Dog - Reply Blood Cells 15:424-426, 1989.
Pubmed reference: 2527573 .
1976 Weiden,P.L.,Storb,R.,Graham,T.C.,Schroeder,M.L.: :
Severe hereditary haemolytic anemia in dogs treated by marrow transplantation British Journal of Haematology 33:357-362, 1976.
Pubmed reference: 776206 .
1970 Tasker,J.B.: :
Canine research today Animal Cavalcade (Winter) :1,2,12,16,21, 1970.