Preparation of psychiatric inpatients for group therapy.

C Ernst, S Vanderzyl, R Salinger
Author Information


Nurses have been acquiring the skills necessary for involvement as cotherapists in group therapy with increasing frequency and have been taking a more active role in the inpatient psychiatric treatment. Preparation of patients for group therapy is supported by the literature for outpatients and equivocally supported for inpatients by this study. Nurses, with their frequent and prolonged contact with inpatients, are in the unique position of being able to form a close, consistent relationship that allows them to assess expectations, plan individualized preparation for the patient, and reinforce the importance of group therapy within the total treatment program. Continued research is needed to assess further the effectiveness of preparation for inpatients prior to group therapy and the nurses' role in preparation.

MeSH Term

Mental Disorders
Psychological Tests
Psychotherapy, Group
Random Allocation

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0grouptherapyinpatientspreparationNursesrolepsychiatrictreatmentPreparationsupportedassessacquiringskillsnecessaryinvolvementcotherapistsincreasingfrequencytakingactiveinpatientpatientsliteratureoutpatientsequivocallystudyfrequentprolongedcontactuniquepositionableformcloseconsistentrelationshipallowsexpectationsplanindividualizedpatientreinforceimportancewithintotalprogramContinuedresearchneededeffectivenesspriornurses'

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