FluoRender: An Application of 2D Image Space Methods for 3D and 4D Confocal Microscopy Data Visualization in Neurobiology Research.

Yong Wan, Hideo Otsuna, Chi-Bin Chien, Charles Hansen
Author Information
  1. Yong Wan: SCI Institute and the School of Computing, University of Utah.


2D image space methods are processing methods applied after the volumetric data are projected and rendered into the 2D image space, such as 2D filtering, tone mapping and compositing. In the application domain of volume visualization, most 2D image space methods can be carried out more efficiently than their 3D counterparts. Most importantly, 2D image space methods can be used to enhance volume visualization quality when applied together with volume rendering methods. In this paper, we present and discuss the applications of a series of 2D image space methods as enhancements to confocal microscopy visualizations, including 2D tone mapping, 2D compositing, and 2D color mapping. These methods are easily integrated with our existing confocal visualization tool, FluoRender, and the outcome is a full-featured visualization system that meets neurobiologists' demands for qualitative analysis of confocal microscopy data.



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  1. R01 GM098151/NIGMS NIH HHS
  2. R01 GM098151-01/NIGMS NIH HHS
  3. R01 GM098151-02/NIGMS NIH HHS

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.02Dmethodsimagespacevisualizationmappingvolumeconfocalapplieddatatonecompositingcan3Dmicroscopy3processingvolumetricprojectedrenderedfilteringapplicationdomaincarriedefficientlycounterpartsimportantlyusedenhancequalitytogetherrenderingpaperpresentdiscussapplicationsseriesenhancementsvisualizationsincludingcoloreasilyintegratedexistingtoolFluoRenderoutcomefull-featuredsystemmeetsneurobiologists'demandsqualitativeanalysisFluoRender:ApplicationImageSpaceMethods4DConfocalMicroscopyDataVisualizationNeurobiologyResearchApplication—Biologygenetics—I8[ComputerGraphics]J[LifeMedicalSciences]

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