BrainBase a curated knowledgebase for brain diseases

Based on glioma multi-omics datasets, Student's t test was performed between 11 pairs at multi-omics levels, including:

    E4: 4 pairs at the expression level (Glioma vs Normal; GBM vs LGG; IDH wildtype vs IDH mutation; 1p19q noncodel vs 1p19q codel)

    M4: 4 pairs at the DNA methylation level (Glioma vs Normal; GBM vs LGG; IDH wildtype vs IDH mutation; 1p19q noncodel vs 1p19q codel)

    C3: 3 pairs at the CNV level (GBM vs LGG; IDH wildtype vs IDH mutation; 1p19q noncodel vs 1p19q codel)

Gene Symbols:

Featured gene groups:


e.g., IDH1

e.g., ADAR

e.g., EGFR

  Datasets country/race               

Table definition:   : omics level of the former is is than that of the latter (t-test; p-value < 0.001, FDR < 0.01).
                            : omics level of the former is than that of the latter (t-test; p-value < 0.001, FDR < 0.01).