An interactive online analyze platform covering four modules was equipped in CancerSCEM: GENE, SAMPLE, CELL and METABOLISM. GENE module mainly focused on 1) The whole expression profiles of the target gene in the specified cancer sample, 2) Expression across different cell subtypes in the sample, 3) Expression correlation analysis in the sample, and 4) Expression patterns across different scRNA-seq or TCGA bulk RNA-seq datasets. SAMPLE module included three analysis functions: 1) Cell component comparison between cancer samples, 2) Cell-cell interaction network construction, and 3) TCGA based survival analysis. CELL module has deployed three analytical contents: 1) The evaluation of genomic copy number variation across different cell types, 2) The enrichment of transcription factors for each cell type, 3) An inferred pseudotime trajectory in the target cancer sample and 4) Scoring of seven biological features. The visualization of 1) The distribution of raw metabolic flux, 2) The dynamic variation (Log2FoldChange) and 3) The metabolic correlation at both the module and pathway hierarchies were available in the newly-created METABOLISM module. Note: 'gene expression' in GENE module was abbreviated as GE.


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