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Project ID: GBM-011
Sample ID: GBM-011-01-1B
Sample type: Tumour
Submitted by: NCBI (GEO)
Country: USA
BioProject PRJNA330719
Sample name BT_S1
SRA accession: SRP079058
SRS accession: NA
SRX accession: SRX1964810 - SRX1965298
SRR accession: SRR3935518 - SRR3936006
GEO accession: GSE84465
Cancer type: Glioblastoma
Cancer type abbreviation: GBM
Primary site: Brain
Sampling site: Brain
Tumor grade: IV
Tumor status: Primary
Donor age: 55
Donor gender: NA
Treatment: NA
Other metadata: Tumor core as well as surrounding peripheral tissue
Project title: Single-Cell RNAseq analysis of diffuse neoplastic infiltrating cells at the migrating front of human glioblastoma
Project abstract: We used single-cell RNAseq to investigate the heterogeneity of glioblastoma tumors and assess differential expression between cells within and in proximity of the tumor. Overall design: Examination of cell types in human primary glioblastoma samples.
Construction protocol: Single-cell sorting in 96-well plates followed by cDNA preparation using Smart-seq2 Smart-Seq2 for preparation of cDNA followed by library preparation using Nextera XT. Nextera tagmentation according to the standard protocol for single cell RNA-seq following Smart-Seq2.
Protocol: Smart-seq2
Instrument: Illumina NextSeq 500
Strategy: RNA-Seq
Layout: PAIRED
S. Darmanis et al., Single-Cell RNA-Seq Analysis of Infiltrating Neoplastic Cells at the Migrating Front of Human Glioblastoma. Cell Reports, 2017, 21(5): 1399-1410