Smaland Hound Detail Information
General Information

iDog Breed Number: CB388
Original: Sweden
Personality: Calm and kind with a faithful and keen temperament.
Height: 45.7-53.3 cm (male), 41.9-50.8 cm (female)
History: The Smaland Hound originated in Sweden. It is a combination of scenthounds from Germany and Poland, mixed with English hounds and local spitz type dogs. As recently as the 1950’s new blood has been added to the breed by recognizing dogs that were of similar type but unknown pedigree... » more

Web Source Name: Smaland Hound from UKC
Other Name: Smålandsstövare

Breed Registries
No No Yes
Associated Disease Information
There are no associated diseases
Associated SNP Information
There are no associated SNPs
Breed Standards