Scientific Name
Hippocampus abdominalis
Common Names
big-belly seahorse;
Accession No.
GWH reannotation accession
GSA raw reads
GVM variations of the species
Submitter Organization
Zhejiang Provincial Key Laboratory for Cancer Molecular Cell Biology, Life Sciences Institute, Zhejiang University
Xin Long,
Sequence author(s)
Libin He, Xin Long, Shuiqing Wu, Zongji Wang, Zhen Huang, Xingtan Zhang, Shiyu Huang, Qi Zhou, Leyun Zheng
Released Date
Assembly Level
Draft genome in chromosome level
Genome Representation
Full Genome
Assembly method
ALLHiC v0.9.8
Sequencing & coverage
PacBio 121.41
Assembly Accession GWH Reannotation Accession Assembly Name Assembly Level Released Date Download Files
GWHBAVH00000000 - ZJU1.0 Draft genome in scaffold level 2021-05-14 DNA GFF RNA Protein

Statistics of Genome Assembly

Genome size (bp) 444,700,955
GC content 43.58%
Chromosomes sequence No. 168
Annotation of Whole Genome Assembly
Protein Total
Chromosome 27,642 27,642
Total 27,642 27,642
Annotation Details
ChrID Protein Total
chr1 1,949 1,949
chr10 1,076 1,076
chr11 1,829 1,829
chr12 1,212 1,212
chr13 1,067 1,067
chr14 1,382 1,382
chr15 1,256 1,256
chr16 1,336 1,336
chr17 1,123 1,123
chr18 1,124 1,124
chr19 809 809
chr2 1,822 1,822
chr20 1,016 1,016
chr21 1,098 1,098
chr3 1,299 1,299
chr4 1,419 1,419
chr5 1,403 1,403
chr6 1,395 1,395
chr7 1,424 1,424
chr8 1,308 1,308
chr9 1,115 1,115
chrT185 92 92
chrT186 1 1
chrT187 3 3
chrT188 1 1
chrT189 2 2
chrT190 1 1
chrT191 4 4
chrT193 2 2
chrT195 6 6
chrT196 1 1
chrT197 3 3
chrT198 4 4
chrT199 2 2
chrT200 2 2
chrT201 1 1
chrT202 3 3
chrT203 6 6
chrT205 2 2
chrT206 2 2
chrT208 1 1
chrT210 1 1
chrT213 3 3
chrT215 4 4
chrT216 2 2
chrT217 4 4
chrT222 2 2
chrT223 1 1
chrT228 1 1
chrT229 3 3
chrT230 2 2
chrT233 2 2
chrT234 1 1
chrT236 1 1
chrT237 1 1
chrT239 2 2
chrT246 1 1
chrT249 1 1
chrT251 1 1
chrT257 1 1
chrT259 1 1
chrT272 2 2
chrT275 1 1
chrT294 1 1
chrT302 1 1
chrT318 1 1
Total 27,642 27,642