

病毒株名 hCoV-19/England/MILK-A180DE/2020
序列号 EPI_ISL_595017
宿主 Homo sapiens
采样日期 2020-10-01
采样地点 United Kingdom / England
相关ID OX472002.1,OY911909.1
谱系 B.1.1.240 (Version: )
序列完整度 Complete
质量评估 0/0/0/16/Yes
样本提供单位 Northumbria University / South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust / North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust / North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust / Newcastle Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
数据递交单位 COVID-19 Genomics UK (COG-UK) Consortium
发布时间 2020-10-27 08:26:51


参考序列 2019-nCoV (MN908947.3)
病毒株名 hCoV-19/England/MILK-A180DE/2020 (EPI_ISL_595017)
SNP数目 16
Insertion数目 0
Deletion数目 2
Indel数目 0
相似度 99.94
质量评估分级 C
注释统计 18(synonymous_variant:4; intergenic_variant:2; missense_variant:11; upstream_gene_variant:1)
文件下载 (GFF3)
The variation information in this file was calculated based on sequence EPI_ISL_595017.The original sequence can be obtained from GISAID's website.