Demographic characteristics and sexual behaviors associated with methamphetamine use among MSM and non-MSM diagnosed with AIDS in Los Angeles County.

Amy Rock Wohl, Douglas M Frye, Denise F Johnson
Author Information
  1. Amy Rock Wohl: HIV Epidemiology Program, Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, 600 S. Commonwealth Avenue, Suite 1920, Los Angeles, CA 90005, USA.


Demographic and behavioral factors associated with methamphetamine use are presented for 455 men who have sex with men (MSM) and 228 non-MSM diagnosed with AIDS in Los Angeles County (LAC) from 2000 to 2004, as there are limited population-based data for these subgroups. Lifetime methamphetamine use was 35% for MSM, 14% for non-MSM, 50% for white MSM, and 35% for black MSM. methamphetamine use in the previous 12 months among MSM (11%) and non-MSM (0.4%) was less than lifetime use. Compared to MSM with no history of methamphetamine use in a multivariate analysis, MSM methamphetamine users were more likely to be non-Latino (white or black) (OR = 2.8, 95% CI: 1.6, 4.9) compared to Latino and reported > or = 10 sexual partners in the previous 12 months (OR = 3.1, 95% CI: 1.7, 5.6). These data indicate that methamphetamine has been widely used by both MSM and non-MSM with AIDS in LAC and that lifetime use is associated with sexual risk behaviors among MSM.


  1. U62/CCU906253-09/PHS HHS

MeSH Term

Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
Cross-Sectional Studies
Homosexuality, Male
Los Angeles
Middle Aged
Multivariate Analysis
Sexual Behavior
Substance-Related Disorders
Young Adult



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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0MSMusemethamphetaminenon-MSMassociatedAIDSamong=1sexualDemographicmendiagnosedLosAngelesCountyLACdata35%whiteblackprevious12monthslifetimeOR95%CI:6behaviorsbehavioralfactorspresented455sex22820002004limitedpopulation-basedsubgroupsLifetime14%50%Methamphetamine11%04%lessComparedhistorymultivariateanalysisuserslikelynon-Latino2849comparedLatinoreported>10partners375indicatewidelyusedriskcharacteristics

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