The small membrane protein MgrB regulates PhoQ bifunctionality to control PhoP target gene expression dynamics.

Michael E Salazar, Anna I Podgornaia, Michael T Laub
Author Information
  1. Michael E Salazar: Department of Biology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, 02139, USA.
  2. Anna I Podgornaia: Merck Research Laboratories, Boston, MA, 02115, USA.
  3. Michael T Laub: Department of Biology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, 02139, USA.


In Escherichia coli and other γ-proteobacteria, the PhoQ-PhoP two-component signaling system responds to low extracellular Mg and cationic antimicrobial peptides. On transition to inducing conditions, the expression of PhoP-dependent genes increases rapidly, but then decays to a new, intermediate steady-state level, a phenomenon often referred to as partial adaptation. The molecular basis for this partial adaptation has been unclear. Here, using time-lapse fluorescence microscopy to examine PhoP-dependent gene expression in individual E. coli cells we show that partial adaptation arises through a negative feedback loop involving the small protein MgrB. When E. coli cells are shifted to low Mg , PhoQ engages in multiple rounds of autophosphorylation and phosphotransfer to PhoP, which, in turn, drives the expression of mgrB. MgrB then feeds back to inhibit the kinase activity of PhoQ. PhoQ is bifunctional such that, when not active as a kinase, it can stimulate the dephosphorylation of PhoP. Thus, MgrB drives the inactivation of PhoP and the observed adaptation in PhoP-dependent gene expression. Our results clarify the source of feedback inhibition in the E. coli PhoQ-PhoP system and reveal how exogenous factors, such as MgrB, can combine with a canonical two-component signaling pathway to produce complex temporal dynamics in target gene expression.


  1. T32 GM087237/NIGMS NIH HHS
  2. /Howard Hughes Medical Institute

MeSH Term

Amino Acid Sequence
Cell Membrane
Escherichia coli
Escherichia coli Proteins
Gene Expression Regulation, Bacterial
Membrane Proteins
Signal Transduction
Time-Lapse Imaging


Escherichia coli Proteins
Membrane Proteins
MgrB protein, E coli
PhoP protein, E coli
PhoQ protein, E coli

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0expressionMgrBcoliadaptationgenePhoQPhoPPhoP-dependentpartialEPhoQ-PhoPtwo-componentsignalingsystemlowMgcellsfeedbacksmallproteindriveskinasecandynamicstargetEscherichiaγ-proteobacteriarespondsextracellularcationicantimicrobialpeptidestransitioninducingconditionsgenesincreasesrapidlydecaysnewintermediatesteady-statelevelphenomenonoftenreferredmolecularbasisunclearusingtime-lapsefluorescencemicroscopyexamineindividualshowarisesnegativeloopinvolvingshiftedengagesmultipleroundsautophosphorylationphosphotransferturnmgrBfeedsbackinhibitactivitybifunctionalactivestimulatedephosphorylationThusinactivationobservedresultsclarifysourceinhibitionrevealexogenousfactorscombinecanonicalpathwayproducecomplextemporalmembraneregulatesbifunctionalitycontrol

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