Genomic time-series data show that gene flow maintains high genetic diversity despite substantial genetic drift in a butterfly species.

Zachariah Gompert, Amy Springer, Megan Brady, Samridhi Chaturvedi, Lauren K Lucas
Author Information
  1. Zachariah Gompert: Department of Biology, Utah State University, Logan, Utah, USA. ORCID
  2. Amy Springer: Department of Biology, Utah State University, Logan, Utah, USA.
  3. Megan Brady: Department of Biology, Utah State University, Logan, Utah, USA.
  4. Samridhi Chaturvedi: Department of Biology, Utah State University, Logan, Utah, USA. ORCID
  5. Lauren K Lucas: Department of Biology, Utah State University, Logan, Utah, USA.


Effective population size affects the efficacy of selection, rate of evolution by drift and neutral diversity levels. When species are subdivided into multiple populations connected by gene flow, evolutionary processes can depend on global or local effective population sizes. Theory predicts that high levels of diversity might be maintained by gene flow, even very low levels of gene flow, consistent with species long-term effective population size, but tests of this idea are mostly lacking. Here, we show that Lycaeides butterfly populations maintain low contemporary (variance) effective population sizes (e.g. ~200 individuals) and thus evolve rapidly by genetic drift. However, populations harboured high levels of genetic diversity consistent with an effective population size several orders of magnitude larger. We hypothesized that the differences in the magnitude and variability of contemporary versus long-term effective population sizes were caused by gene flow of sufficient magnitude to maintain diversity but only subtly affect evolution on generational timescales. Consistent with this hypothesis, we detected low but nontrivial gene flow among populations. Furthermore, using short-term population-genomic time-series data, we documented patterns consistent with predictions from this hypothesis, including a weak but detectable excess of evolutionary change in the direction of the mean (migrant gene pool) allele frequencies across populations and consistency in the direction of allele frequency change over time. The documented decoupling of diversity levels and short-term change by drift in Lycaeides has implications for our understanding of contemporary evolution and the maintenance of genetic variation in the wild.


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Dryad | 10.5061/dryad.6q573n600


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MeSH Term

Gene Flow
Genetic Drift
Genetic Variation
Genetics, Population

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0genepopulationflowdiversityeffectivegeneticdriftlevelspopulationssizeevolutionspeciessizeshighlowconsistentLycaeidescontemporarymagnitudechangeevolutionarylong-termshowbutterflymaintainhypothesisshort-termtime-seriesdatadocumenteddirectionalleletimeEffectiveaffectsefficacyselectionrateneutralsubdividedmultipleconnectedprocessescandependgloballocalTheorypredictsmightmaintainedeventestsideamostlylackingvarianceeg~200individualsthusevolverapidlyHoweverharbouredseveralorderslargerhypothesizeddifferencesvariabilityversuscausedsufficientsubtlyaffectgenerationaltimescalesConsistentdetectednontrivialamongFurthermoreusingpopulation-genomicpatternspredictionsincludingweakdetectableexcessmeanmigrantpoolfrequenciesacrossconsistencyfrequencydecouplingimplicationsunderstandingmaintenancevariationwildGenomicmaintainsdespitesubstantialpopulation-geneticseries

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