FEBio: History and Advances.

Steve A Maas, Gerard A Ateshian, Jeffrey A Weiss
Author Information
  1. Steve A Maas: Department of Bioengineering and Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112; email: jeff.weiss@utah.edu.
  2. Gerard A Ateshian: Department of Mechanical Engineering and Department of Biomedical Engineering, Columbia University, New York, New York 10027.
  3. Jeffrey A Weiss: Department of Bioengineering and Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112; email: jeff.weiss@utah.edu.


The principal goal of the FEBio project is to provide an advanced finite element tool for the biomechanics and biophysics communities that allows researchers to model mechanics, transport, and electrokinetic phenomena for biological systems accurately and efficiently. In addition, because FEBio is geared toward the research community, the code is designed such that new features can be added easily, thus making it an ideal tool for testing novel computational methods. Finally, because the success of a code is determined by its user base, integral goals of the FEBio project have been to offer support and outreach to our community; to provide mechanisms for dissemination of results, models, and data; and to encourage interaction between users. This review presents the history of the FEBio project, from its initial developments through its current funding period. We also present a glimpse into the future of FEBio.



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  1. R01 EB015133/NIBIB NIH HHS
  2. R01 GM083925/NIGMS NIH HHS
  3. R01 HL131856/NHLBI NIH HHS
  4. R25 GM107009/NIGMS NIH HHS

MeSH Term

Computer Simulation
Finite Element Analysis
Models, Biological
Models, Chemical
User-Computer Interface

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0FEBioprojectprovidefiniteelementtoolbiomechanicsbiophysicscommunitycodeprincipalgoaladvancedcommunitiesallowsresearchersmodelmechanicstransportelectrokineticphenomenabiologicalsystemsaccuratelyefficientlyadditiongearedtowardresearchdesignednewfeaturescanaddedeasilythusmakingidealtestingnovelcomputationalmethodsFinallysuccessdetermineduserbaseintegralgoalsoffersupportoutreachmechanismsdisseminationresultsmodelsdataencourageinteractionusersreviewpresentshistoryinitialdevelopmentscurrentfundingperiodalsopresentglimpsefutureFEBio:HistoryAdvancesmethod

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