
Expression Database of Human Long non-coding RNAs

LncExpDB : Aging

The LncExpDB Aging module focuses on collecting differentially expressed genes between the Young and Old groups. Using the DeSeq2 package, we identified significantly up- or down-regulated lncRNA genes in old groups across three tissues (brain, skin, and muscle).

  • Click on the chart in Featured Genes to obtain the volcano plot for each dataset, along with the highlighted corresponding lncRNA.
  • Click on the Chart in Expression Level to get an overview of the expression levels of the corresponding lncRNA across multiple datasets.
  • Click on the filter on the right to find lncRNAs that are up- or down-regulated in the corresponding organ/tissue.
  • H, M, L, NE are used to represent lncRNA expression Level. For specifics, please refer to Help > 2.5