Gene expression divergence and evolutionary analysis of the drosomycin gene family in Drosophila melanogaster.

Xiao-Juan Deng, Wan-Ying Yang, Ya-Dong Huang, Yang Cao, Shuo-Yang Wen, Qing-You Xia, Peilin Xu
Author Information
  1. Xiao-Juan Deng: The Key Laboratory of Gene Engineering of Ministry of Education, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China.


Drosomycin (Drs) encoding an inducible 44-residue antifungal peptide is clustered with six additional genes, Dro1, Dro2, Dro3, Dro4, Dro5, and Dro6, forming a multigene family on the 3L chromosome arm in Drosophila melanogaster. To get further insight into the regulation of each member of the drosomycin gene family, here we investigated gene expression patterns of this family by either microbe-free injury or microbial challenges using real time RT-PCR. The results indicated that among the seven drosomycin genes, Drs, Dro2, Dro3, Dro4, and Dro5 showed constitutive expressions. Three out of five, Dro2, Dro3, and Dro5, were able to be upregulated by simple injury. Interestingly, Drs is an only gene strongly upregulated when Drosophila was infected with microbes. In contrast to these five genes, Dro1 and Dro6 were not transcribed at all in either noninfected or infected flies. Furthermore, by 5' rapid amplification of cDNA ends, two transcription start sites were identified in Drs and Dro2, and one in Dro3, Dro4, and Dro5. In addition, NF-kappaB binding sites were found in promoter regions of Drs, Dro2, Dro3, and Dro5, indicating the importance of NF-kappaB binding sites for the inducibility of drosomycin genes. Based on the analyses of flanking sequences of each gene in D. melanogaster and phylogenetic relationship of drosomycins in D. melanogaster species-group, we concluded that gene duplications were involved in the formation of the drosomycin gene family. The possible evolutionary fates of drosomycin genes were discussed according to the combining analysis of gene expression pattern, gene structure, and functional divergence of these genes.


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MeSH Term

Binding Sites
DNA Transposable Elements
Drosophila Proteins
Drosophila melanogaster
Evolution, Molecular
Gene Expression Profiling
Gene Expression Regulation
Genes, Insect
Genetic Variation
Multigene Family
Promoter Regions, Genetic
Transcription Factors
Transcription Initiation Site
Transcription, Genetic


DNA Transposable Elements
Drosophila Proteins
Transcription Factors
DRS protein, Drosophila

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0genegenesdrosomycinDrsDro2Dro3Dro5familymelanogasterDro4DrosophilaexpressionsitesDro1Dro6eitherinjuryfiveupregulatedinfectedNF-kappaBbindingDevolutionaryanalysisdivergenceDrosomycinencodinginducible44-residueantifungalpeptideclusteredsixadditionalformingmultigene3Lchromosomearmgetinsightregulationmemberinvestigatedpatternsmicrobe-freemicrobialchallengesusingrealtimeRT-PCRresultsindicatedamongsevenshowedconstitutiveexpressionsThreeablesimpleInterestinglystronglymicrobescontrasttranscribednoninfectedfliesFurthermore5'rapidamplificationcDNAendstwotranscriptionstartidentifiedoneadditionfoundpromoterregionsindicatingimportanceinducibilityBasedanalysesflankingsequencesphylogeneticrelationshipdrosomycinsspecies-groupconcludedduplicationsinvolvedformationpossiblefatesdiscussedaccordingcombiningpatternstructurefunctionalGene

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