Disease Ontology ID: DDTO:0000251|DDTO:0000012
Disease Description: Inflammation and infection of the cells of the skin including the hair follicles and deeper structures.
Inherit Mode: -
Disease Symptom: Dog cellulitis symptoms include:The affected area will be sensitive;The presence of an abscess;Redness at the affected area;The affected area will feel hotter than other parts of the body;Accumulation of pus under the skin ;Infection spreads to the lymph nodes
Disease Cause: Cellulitis is an infection that’s generally caused by certain bacteria known as Streptococci and Staphylococcus.
Disease Diagnose: To find out if your pet is suffering from cellulitis, the vet will ask you about your dog’s medical history and perform a physical exam to look for the symptoms listed above. Due to the pain that’s present, your pet may refuse to walk or eat, particularly if he’s suffering from an abscess. You should inform the vet about all other symptoms you notice so that the diagnosis is confirmed. Blood tests will be performed to find out the type of bacteria that’s present in the pet’s body. Once the diagnosis is confirmed, the vet will initiate prompt treatment to prevent the infection from spreading to other parts of the body.
Treat Method: The vet will first prescribe antibiotic medications that will kill the bacteria in the body. Medications like cephalexin, moxifloxacin, nafcillin and vanomycin are generally prescribed. If there is a large abscess present, the vet will ask you to apply warm soaks a few times a day so that the abscess drains on its own. If it doesn’t drain on its own, the vet will have to lance it and apply antibiotic medications to promote healing.If the abscess is very large, the vet will also put a drain into it so that the pus drains out completely. There may be a large cavity left behind, once the abscess is drained. If this happens, you will be asked to clean the area with an antiseptic medication once or twice a day.
Breeder Advice: -
Disease Description Source: Link
iDog Breed Number | Breed Name | Personality | Height | Weight | Breed Source |
CB111 | German Short-Haired Pointer | Friendly, smart, willing to please | 58.4-63.5 cm (male), 53.3-58.4 cm (female) | 24.9-31.8 kg (male), 20.4-27.2 kg (female) | Germany |
Phenotype | Gene | Variant Type | Reference ver. | Chr. | Genome variant | Coden variant | Protein variant | Breed | PMID | OMIA | canFam4 genome start | canFam4 genome end | iDog rsnp id |
No matching records found |
Gene Id | Gene Symbol | Normal(Average TPM) | Disease(Average TPM) | Normal(median TPM) | Disease(median TPM) | log2(fold change) | FDR |
No matching records found |