YL - Plant Editosome Database - BIG Data Center


Editing Factor: YL
Synonym: Organelle RNA Recognition Motif-Containing Protein 1
Description: NA
Protein Family: ORRM
Subclass: NA
Construct Structure: NA
Gene ID & Species: Glyma.20G187000 (Glycine max)
Edited Gene(s): accD    atpF    clpP    ndhA    ndhB    ndhC    ndhD    ndhE    ndhF    petB    psaI    psbE    psbF    psbL    rpl23    rpoA    rpoB    rpoC1    rps2    rps12    rps14    rps16    rps18
Editing Type(s): C-to-U (88)    G-to-A (2)
Publication(s): [1] Mutation of YL Results in a Yellow Leaf with Chloroplast RNA Editing Defect in Soybean, Int J Mol Sci, 2020. [PMID=32560081]

Editing Details

Species Gene ID Organelle Edited Gene Position Region Editing Type Codon Amino Acid Molecular Effect Experiment Details
Glycine max Glyma.20G187000 Chloroplast accD null CDS C-to-U UCG=>UUG S=>L Recoding
Experiment Details
Genotype (Ecotype) Allele Treatment Treatment Detail Mutant Type Phenotype Tissue Development Stage Detection Method Editing Frequency Editing Extent Mutant Effect PMID
NAWTNo treatmentNo treatmentNo treatmentNormalLeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)91.24%HighNone32560081
NAylPoint mutationA C to A transition at the eighth exon of Glyma.20G187000NAConspicuous yellow leaves, decreased chlorophyll accumulation, lower PS II activity, an impaired net photosynthesis rate, and an altered chloroplast ultrastructure.LeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)84.50%HighSimilar32560081
Glycine max Glyma.20G187000 Chloroplast atpF null CDS C-to-U CCA=>CUA P=>L Recoding
Experiment Details
Genotype (Ecotype) Allele Treatment Treatment Detail Mutant Type Phenotype Tissue Development Stage Detection Method Editing Frequency Editing Extent Mutant Effect PMID
NAWTNo treatmentNo treatmentNo treatmentNormalLeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)97.73%HighNone32560081
NAylPoint mutationA C to A transition at the eighth exon of Glyma.20G187000NAConspicuous yellow leaves, decreased chlorophyll accumulation, lower PS II activity, an impaired net photosynthesis rate, and an altered chloroplast ultrastructure.LeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)96.59%HighSimilar32560081
Glycine max Glyma.20G187000 Chloroplast clpP null CDS C-to-U CAU=>UAU H=>Y Recoding
Experiment Details
Genotype (Ecotype) Allele Treatment Treatment Detail Mutant Type Phenotype Tissue Development Stage Detection Method Editing Frequency Editing Extent Mutant Effect PMID
NAWTNo treatmentNo treatmentNo treatmentNormalLeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)94.65%HighNone32560081
NAylPoint mutationA C to A transition at the eighth exon of Glyma.20G187000NAConspicuous yellow leaves, decreased chlorophyll accumulation, lower PS II activity, an impaired net photosynthesis rate, and an altered chloroplast ultrastructure.LeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)55.73%MediumDecreased32560081
Glycine max Glyma.20G187000 Chloroplast ndhA null CDS C-to-U UCA=>UUA
Experiment Details
Genotype (Ecotype) Allele Treatment Treatment Detail Mutant Type Phenotype Tissue Development Stage Detection Method Editing Frequency Editing Extent Mutant Effect PMID
NAWTNo treatmentNo treatmentNo treatmentNormalLeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)91.29%HighNone32560081
NAWTNo treatmentNo treatmentNo treatmentNormalLeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)90.65%HighNone32560081
NAylPoint mutationA C to A transition at the eighth exon of Glyma.20G187000NAConspicuous yellow leaves, decreased chlorophyll accumulation, lower PS II activity, an impaired net photosynthesis rate, and an altered chloroplast ultrastructure.LeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)94.00%HighSimilar32560081
NAylPoint mutationA C to A transition at the eighth exon of Glyma.20G187000NAConspicuous yellow leaves, decreased chlorophyll accumulation, lower PS II activity, an impaired net photosynthesis rate, and an altered chloroplast ultrastructure.LeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)90.79%HighSimilar32560081
Glycine max Glyma.20G187000 Chloroplast ndhB null CDS G-to-A,C-to-U UGG=>UGA
W=>Stop codon
Experiment Details
Genotype (Ecotype) Allele Treatment Treatment Detail Mutant Type Phenotype Tissue Development Stage Detection Method Editing Frequency Editing Extent Mutant Effect PMID
NAWTNo treatmentNo treatmentNo treatmentNormalLeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)100.00%CompleteNone32560081
NAWTNo treatmentNo treatmentNo treatmentNormalLeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)96.00%HighNone32560081
NAWTNo treatmentNo treatmentNo treatmentNormalLeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)100.00%CompleteNone32560081
NAWTNo treatmentNo treatmentNo treatmentNormalLeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)91.58%HighNone32560081
NAWTNo treatmentNo treatmentNo treatmentNormalLeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)98.41%HighNone32560081
NAWTNo treatmentNo treatmentNo treatmentNormalLeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)99.43%HighNone32560081
NAWTNo treatmentNo treatmentNo treatmentNormalLeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)99.62%HighNone32560081
NAWTNo treatmentNo treatmentNo treatmentNormalLeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)100.00%CompleteNone32560081
NAWTNo treatmentNo treatmentNo treatmentNormalLeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)96.83%HighNone32560081
NAWTNo treatmentNo treatmentNo treatmentNormalLeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)99.72%HighNone32560081
NAWTNo treatmentNo treatmentNo treatmentNormalLeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)100.00%CompleteNone32560081
NAylPoint mutationA C to A transition at the eighth exon of Glyma.20G187000NAConspicuous yellow leaves, decreased chlorophyll accumulation, lower PS II activity, an impaired net photosynthesis rate, and an altered chloroplast ultrastructure.LeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)100.00%CompleteSimilar32560081
NAylPoint mutationA C to A transition at the eighth exon of Glyma.20G187000NAConspicuous yellow leaves, decreased chlorophyll accumulation, lower PS II activity, an impaired net photosynthesis rate, and an altered chloroplast ultrastructure.LeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)96.43%HighSimilar32560081
NAylPoint mutationA C to A transition at the eighth exon of Glyma.20G187000NAConspicuous yellow leaves, decreased chlorophyll accumulation, lower PS II activity, an impaired net photosynthesis rate, and an altered chloroplast ultrastructure.LeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)100.00%CompleteSimilar32560081
NAylPoint mutationA C to A transition at the eighth exon of Glyma.20G187000NAConspicuous yellow leaves, decreased chlorophyll accumulation, lower PS II activity, an impaired net photosynthesis rate, and an altered chloroplast ultrastructure.LeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)20.27%LowDecreased32560081
NAylPoint mutationA C to A transition at the eighth exon of Glyma.20G187000NAConspicuous yellow leaves, decreased chlorophyll accumulation, lower PS II activity, an impaired net photosynthesis rate, and an altered chloroplast ultrastructure.LeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)6.12%PoorDecreased32560081
NAylPoint mutationA C to A transition at the eighth exon of Glyma.20G187000NAConspicuous yellow leaves, decreased chlorophyll accumulation, lower PS II activity, an impaired net photosynthesis rate, and an altered chloroplast ultrastructure.LeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)43.79%MediumDecreased32560081
NAylPoint mutationA C to A transition at the eighth exon of Glyma.20G187000NAConspicuous yellow leaves, decreased chlorophyll accumulation, lower PS II activity, an impaired net photosynthesis rate, and an altered chloroplast ultrastructure.LeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)46.27%MediumDecreased32560081
NAylPoint mutationA C to A transition at the eighth exon of Glyma.20G187000NAConspicuous yellow leaves, decreased chlorophyll accumulation, lower PS II activity, an impaired net photosynthesis rate, and an altered chloroplast ultrastructure.LeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)100.00%CompleteSimilar32560081
NAylPoint mutationA C to A transition at the eighth exon of Glyma.20G187000NAConspicuous yellow leaves, decreased chlorophyll accumulation, lower PS II activity, an impaired net photosynthesis rate, and an altered chloroplast ultrastructure.LeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)100.00%CompleteSimilar32560081
NAylPoint mutationA C to A transition at the eighth exon of Glyma.20G187000NAConspicuous yellow leaves, decreased chlorophyll accumulation, lower PS II activity, an impaired net photosynthesis rate, and an altered chloroplast ultrastructure.LeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)98.56%HighSimilar32560081
NAylPoint mutationA C to A transition at the eighth exon of Glyma.20G187000NAConspicuous yellow leaves, decreased chlorophyll accumulation, lower PS II activity, an impaired net photosynthesis rate, and an altered chloroplast ultrastructure.LeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)100.00%CompleteSimilar32560081
Glycine max Glyma.20G187000 Chloroplast ndhC null CDS C-to-U UCA=>UUA S=>L Recoding
Experiment Details
Genotype (Ecotype) Allele Treatment Treatment Detail Mutant Type Phenotype Tissue Development Stage Detection Method Editing Frequency Editing Extent Mutant Effect PMID
NAWTNo treatmentNo treatmentNo treatmentNormalLeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)95.69%HighNone32560081
NAylPoint mutationA C to A transition at the eighth exon of Glyma.20G187000NAConspicuous yellow leaves, decreased chlorophyll accumulation, lower PS II activity, an impaired net photosynthesis rate, and an altered chloroplast ultrastructure.LeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)97.96%HighSimilar32560081
Glycine max Glyma.20G187000 Chloroplast ndhD null CDS C-to-U ACG=>AUG
Experiment Details
Genotype (Ecotype) Allele Treatment Treatment Detail Mutant Type Phenotype Tissue Development Stage Detection Method Editing Frequency Editing Extent Mutant Effect PMID
NAWTNo treatmentNo treatmentNo treatmentNormalLeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)55.28%MediumNone32560081
NAWTNo treatmentNo treatmentNo treatmentNormalLeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)91.59%HighNone32560081
NAWTNo treatmentNo treatmentNo treatmentNormalLeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)89.37%HighNone32560081
NAWTNo treatmentNo treatmentNo treatmentNormalLeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)84.02%HighNone32560081
NAWTNo treatmentNo treatmentNo treatmentNormalLeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)87.76%HighNone32560081
NAylPoint mutationA C to A transition at the eighth exon of Glyma.20G187000NAConspicuous yellow leaves, decreased chlorophyll accumulation, lower PS II activity, an impaired net photosynthesis rate, and an altered chloroplast ultrastructure.LeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)55.85%MediumSimilar32560081
NAylPoint mutationA C to A transition at the eighth exon of Glyma.20G187000NAConspicuous yellow leaves, decreased chlorophyll accumulation, lower PS II activity, an impaired net photosynthesis rate, and an altered chloroplast ultrastructure.LeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)92.95%HighSimilar32560081
NAylPoint mutationA C to A transition at the eighth exon of Glyma.20G187000NAConspicuous yellow leaves, decreased chlorophyll accumulation, lower PS II activity, an impaired net photosynthesis rate, and an altered chloroplast ultrastructure.LeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)4.52%PoorDecreased32560081
NAylPoint mutationA C to A transition at the eighth exon of Glyma.20G187000NAConspicuous yellow leaves, decreased chlorophyll accumulation, lower PS II activity, an impaired net photosynthesis rate, and an altered chloroplast ultrastructure.LeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)31.61%LowDecreased32560081
NAylPoint mutationA C to A transition at the eighth exon of Glyma.20G187000NAConspicuous yellow leaves, decreased chlorophyll accumulation, lower PS II activity, an impaired net photosynthesis rate, and an altered chloroplast ultrastructure.LeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)94.40%HighSimilar32560081
Glycine max Glyma.20G187000 Chloroplast ndhE null CDS C-to-U CCG=>CUG P=>L Recoding
Experiment Details
Genotype (Ecotype) Allele Treatment Treatment Detail Mutant Type Phenotype Tissue Development Stage Detection Method Editing Frequency Editing Extent Mutant Effect PMID
NAWTNo treatmentNo treatmentNo treatmentNormalLeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)89.75%HighNone32560081
NAylPoint mutationA C to A transition at the eighth exon of Glyma.20G187000NAConspicuous yellow leaves, decreased chlorophyll accumulation, lower PS II activity, an impaired net photosynthesis rate, and an altered chloroplast ultrastructure.LeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)84.86%HighSimilar32560081
Glycine max Glyma.20G187000 Chloroplast ndhF null CDS C-to-U UCA=>UUA S=>L Recoding
Experiment Details
Genotype (Ecotype) Allele Treatment Treatment Detail Mutant Type Phenotype Tissue Development Stage Detection Method Editing Frequency Editing Extent Mutant Effect PMID
NAWTNo treatmentNo treatmentNo treatmentNormalLeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)58.29%MediumNone32560081
NAylPoint mutationA C to A transition at the eighth exon of Glyma.20G187000NAConspicuous yellow leaves, decreased chlorophyll accumulation, lower PS II activity, an impaired net photosynthesis rate, and an altered chloroplast ultrastructure.LeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)73.44%HighIncreased32560081
Glycine max Glyma.20G187000 Chloroplast petB null CDS C-to-U UCA=>UUA S=>L Recoding
Experiment Details
Genotype (Ecotype) Allele Treatment Treatment Detail Mutant Type Phenotype Tissue Development Stage Detection Method Editing Frequency Editing Extent Mutant Effect PMID
NAWTNo treatmentNo treatmentNo treatmentNormalLeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)99.05%HighNone32560081
NAylPoint mutationA C to A transition at the eighth exon of Glyma.20G187000NAConspicuous yellow leaves, decreased chlorophyll accumulation, lower PS II activity, an impaired net photosynthesis rate, and an altered chloroplast ultrastructure.LeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)18.11%PoorDecreased32560081
Glycine max Glyma.20G187000 Chloroplast psaI null CDS C-to-U CAU=>UAU H=>Y Recoding
Experiment Details
Genotype (Ecotype) Allele Treatment Treatment Detail Mutant Type Phenotype Tissue Development Stage Detection Method Editing Frequency Editing Extent Mutant Effect PMID
NAWTNo treatmentNo treatmentNo treatmentNormalLeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)94.50%HighNone32560081
NAylPoint mutationA C to A transition at the eighth exon of Glyma.20G187000NAConspicuous yellow leaves, decreased chlorophyll accumulation, lower PS II activity, an impaired net photosynthesis rate, and an altered chloroplast ultrastructure.LeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)87.78%HighSimilar32560081
Glycine max Glyma.20G187000 Chloroplast psbE null CDS C-to-U UCC=>UUC S=>F Recoding
Experiment Details
Genotype (Ecotype) Allele Treatment Treatment Detail Mutant Type Phenotype Tissue Development Stage Detection Method Editing Frequency Editing Extent Mutant Effect PMID
NAWTNo treatmentNo treatmentNo treatmentNormalLeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)99.70%HighNone32560081
NAylPoint mutationA C to A transition at the eighth exon of Glyma.20G187000NAConspicuous yellow leaves, decreased chlorophyll accumulation, lower PS II activity, an impaired net photosynthesis rate, and an altered chloroplast ultrastructure.LeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)99.65%HighSimilar32560081
Glycine max Glyma.20G187000 Chloroplast psbF null CDS C-to-U ACC=>ACU
Experiment Details
Genotype (Ecotype) Allele Treatment Treatment Detail Mutant Type Phenotype Tissue Development Stage Detection Method Editing Frequency Editing Extent Mutant Effect PMID
NAWTNo treatmentNo treatmentNo treatmentNormalLeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)85.31%HighNone32560081
NAWTNo treatmentNo treatmentNo treatmentNormalLeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)94.51%HighNone32560081
NAylPoint mutationA C to A transition at the eighth exon of Glyma.20G187000NAConspicuous yellow leaves, decreased chlorophyll accumulation, lower PS II activity, an impaired net photosynthesis rate, and an altered chloroplast ultrastructure.LeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)92.47%HighSimilar32560081
NAylPoint mutationA C to A transition at the eighth exon of Glyma.20G187000NAConspicuous yellow leaves, decreased chlorophyll accumulation, lower PS II activity, an impaired net photosynthesis rate, and an altered chloroplast ultrastructure.LeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)93.11%HighSimilar32560081
Glycine max Glyma.20G187000 Chloroplast psbL null CDS C-to-U ACG=>AUG T=>M Recoding
Experiment Details
Genotype (Ecotype) Allele Treatment Treatment Detail Mutant Type Phenotype Tissue Development Stage Detection Method Editing Frequency Editing Extent Mutant Effect PMID
NAWTNo treatmentNo treatmentNo treatmentNormalLeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)89.99%HighNone32560081
NAylPoint mutationA C to A transition at the eighth exon of Glyma.20G187000NAConspicuous yellow leaves, decreased chlorophyll accumulation, lower PS II activity, an impaired net photosynthesis rate, and an altered chloroplast ultrastructure.LeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)46.14%MediumDecreased32560081
Glycine max Glyma.20G187000 Chloroplast rpl23 null CDS C-to-U UCA=>UUA S=>L Recoding
Experiment Details
Genotype (Ecotype) Allele Treatment Treatment Detail Mutant Type Phenotype Tissue Development Stage Detection Method Editing Frequency Editing Extent Mutant Effect PMID
NAWTNo treatmentNo treatmentNo treatmentNormalLeafFive-week-oldSanger sequencing77.78%HighNone32560081
NAylPoint mutationA C to A transition at the eighth exon of Glyma.20G187000NAConspicuous yellow leaves, decreased chlorophyll accumulation, lower PS II activity, an impaired net photosynthesis rate, and an altered chloroplast ultrastructure.LeafFive-week-oldSanger sequencing22.22%LowDecreased32560081
Glycine max Glyma.20G187000 Chloroplast rpoA null CDS C-to-U UCA=>UUA S=>L Recoding
Experiment Details
Genotype (Ecotype) Allele Treatment Treatment Detail Mutant Type Phenotype Tissue Development Stage Detection Method Editing Frequency Editing Extent Mutant Effect PMID
NAWTNo treatmentNo treatmentNo treatmentNormalLeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)73.01%HighNone32560081
NAylPoint mutationA C to A transition at the eighth exon of Glyma.20G187000NAConspicuous yellow leaves, decreased chlorophyll accumulation, lower PS II activity, an impaired net photosynthesis rate, and an altered chloroplast ultrastructure.LeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)72.23%HighSimilar32560081
Glycine max Glyma.20G187000 Chloroplast rpoB null CDS C-to-U UCU=>UUU
Experiment Details
Genotype (Ecotype) Allele Treatment Treatment Detail Mutant Type Phenotype Tissue Development Stage Detection Method Editing Frequency Editing Extent Mutant Effect PMID
NAWTNo treatmentNo treatmentNo treatmentNormalLeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)68.18%HighNone32560081
NAWTNo treatmentNo treatmentNo treatmentNormalLeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)39.88%LowNone32560081
NAWTNo treatmentNo treatmentNo treatmentNormalLeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)37.50%LowNone32560081
NAWTNo treatmentNo treatmentNo treatmentNormalLeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)86.90%HighNone32560081
NAylPoint mutationA C to A transition at the eighth exon of Glyma.20G187000NAConspicuous yellow leaves, decreased chlorophyll accumulation, lower PS II activity, an impaired net photosynthesis rate, and an altered chloroplast ultrastructure.LeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)66.84%HighSimilar32560081
NAylPoint mutationA C to A transition at the eighth exon of Glyma.20G187000NAConspicuous yellow leaves, decreased chlorophyll accumulation, lower PS II activity, an impaired net photosynthesis rate, and an altered chloroplast ultrastructure.LeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)0.00%UneditedAbsent32560081
NAylPoint mutationA C to A transition at the eighth exon of Glyma.20G187000NAConspicuous yellow leaves, decreased chlorophyll accumulation, lower PS II activity, an impaired net photosynthesis rate, and an altered chloroplast ultrastructure.LeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)57.02%MediumIncreased32560081
NAylPoint mutationA C to A transition at the eighth exon of Glyma.20G187000NAConspicuous yellow leaves, decreased chlorophyll accumulation, lower PS II activity, an impaired net photosynthesis rate, and an altered chloroplast ultrastructure.LeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)37.27%LowDecreased32560081
Glycine max Glyma.20G187000 Chloroplast rpoC1 null CDS C-to-U UCA=>UUA S=>L Recoding
Experiment Details
Genotype (Ecotype) Allele Treatment Treatment Detail Mutant Type Phenotype Tissue Development Stage Detection Method Editing Frequency Editing Extent Mutant Effect PMID
NAWTNo treatmentNo treatmentNo treatmentNormalLeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)96.22%HighNone32560081
NAWTNo treatmentNo treatmentNo treatmentNormalLeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)47.25%MediumNone32560081
NAylPoint mutationA C to A transition at the eighth exon of Glyma.20G187000NAConspicuous yellow leaves, decreased chlorophyll accumulation, lower PS II activity, an impaired net photosynthesis rate, and an altered chloroplast ultrastructure.LeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)97.99%HighSimilar32560081
NAylPoint mutationA C to A transition at the eighth exon of Glyma.20G187000NAConspicuous yellow leaves, decreased chlorophyll accumulation, lower PS II activity, an impaired net photosynthesis rate, and an altered chloroplast ultrastructure.LeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)51.48%MediumSimilar32560081
Glycine max Glyma.20G187000 Chloroplast rps12 null Intronic C-to-U NA=>NA NA=>NA NA
Experiment Details
Genotype (Ecotype) Allele Treatment Treatment Detail Mutant Type Phenotype Tissue Development Stage Detection Method Editing Frequency Editing Extent Mutant Effect PMID
NAWTNo treatmentNo treatmentNo treatmentNormalLeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)94.96%HighNone32560081
NAylPoint mutationA C to A transition at the eighth exon of Glyma.20G187000NAConspicuous yellow leaves, decreased chlorophyll accumulation, lower PS II activity, an impaired net photosynthesis rate, and an altered chloroplast ultrastructure.LeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)81.25%HighDecreased32560081
Glycine max Glyma.20G187000 Chloroplast rps14 null CDS C-to-U UCA=>UUA S=>L Recoding
Experiment Details
Genotype (Ecotype) Allele Treatment Treatment Detail Mutant Type Phenotype Tissue Development Stage Detection Method Editing Frequency Editing Extent Mutant Effect PMID
NAWTNo treatmentNo treatmentNo treatmentNormalLeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)86.11%HighNone32560081
NAylPoint mutationA C to A transition at the eighth exon of Glyma.20G187000NAConspicuous yellow leaves, decreased chlorophyll accumulation, lower PS II activity, an impaired net photosynthesis rate, and an altered chloroplast ultrastructure.LeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)89.10%HighSimilar32560081
Glycine max Glyma.20G187000 Chloroplast rps16 null Intronic
C-to-U NA=>NA
Experiment Details
Genotype (Ecotype) Allele Treatment Treatment Detail Mutant Type Phenotype Tissue Development Stage Detection Method Editing Frequency Editing Extent Mutant Effect PMID
NAWTNo treatmentNo treatmentNo treatmentNormalLeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)73.14%HighNone32560081
NAWTNo treatmentNo treatmentNo treatmentNormalLeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)95.79%HighNone32560081
NAylPoint mutationA C to A transition at the eighth exon of Glyma.20G187000NAConspicuous yellow leaves, decreased chlorophyll accumulation, lower PS II activity, an impaired net photosynthesis rate, and an altered chloroplast ultrastructure.LeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)11.92%PoorDecreased32560081
NAylPoint mutationA C to A transition at the eighth exon of Glyma.20G187000NAConspicuous yellow leaves, decreased chlorophyll accumulation, lower PS II activity, an impaired net photosynthesis rate, and an altered chloroplast ultrastructure.LeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)91.91%HighSimilar32560081
Glycine max Glyma.20G187000 Chloroplast rps18 null CDS C-to-U UCG=>UUG S=>L Recoding
Experiment Details
Genotype (Ecotype) Allele Treatment Treatment Detail Mutant Type Phenotype Tissue Development Stage Detection Method Editing Frequency Editing Extent Mutant Effect PMID
NAWTNo treatmentNo treatmentNo treatmentNormalLeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)84.36%HighNone32560081
NAylPoint mutationA C to A transition at the eighth exon of Glyma.20G187000NAConspicuous yellow leaves, decreased chlorophyll accumulation, lower PS II activity, an impaired net photosynthesis rate, and an altered chloroplast ultrastructure.LeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)73.84%HighDecreased32560081
Glycine max Glyma.20G187000 Chloroplast rps2 null CDS C-to-U ACA=>AUA
Experiment Details
Genotype (Ecotype) Allele Treatment Treatment Detail Mutant Type Phenotype Tissue Development Stage Detection Method Editing Frequency Editing Extent Mutant Effect PMID
NAWTNo treatmentNo treatmentNo treatmentNormalLeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)96.87%HighNone32560081
NAWTNo treatmentNo treatmentNo treatmentNormalLeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)98.56%HighNone32560081
NAylPoint mutationA C to A transition at the eighth exon of Glyma.20G187000NAConspicuous yellow leaves, decreased chlorophyll accumulation, lower PS II activity, an impaired net photosynthesis rate, and an altered chloroplast ultrastructure.LeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)35.50%LowDecreased32560081
NAylPoint mutationA C to A transition at the eighth exon of Glyma.20G187000NAConspicuous yellow leaves, decreased chlorophyll accumulation, lower PS II activity, an impaired net photosynthesis rate, and an altered chloroplast ultrastructure.LeafFive-week-oldDNA resequencing and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)57.81%MediumDecreased32560081
Last update: Jul 2021 (version 1.0)