The figure was plotted online using the bioinformatics toolkit (BIT) from the National Genomics Data Center, part of the China National Center for Bioinformation [1]. The R script was implemented with VennDiagram.
[1] "Database Resources of the National Genomics Data Center, China National Center for Bioinformation in 2022." Nucleic acids research vol. 50,D1 (2022): D27-D38. doi:10.1093/nar/gkab951
This app draw veen plot for a given dataset.
input format is a matrix like this: A B C D E #header j b o m g u e x j t r m x m h d u v n x f p b m o n j o j q j h r l q e g v g a h j g m a w g o l k --------------------------------------------- The palettes are derived from package ggsci : npg: Nature Publishing Group aaas: American Association for the Advancement of Science nejm: The New England Journal of Medicine lancet: Lancet Oncology jama: The Journal of the American Medical Association jco: Journal of Clinical Oncology ucscgb: The UCSCGB palette is from the colors used by UCSC Genome Browser for representing chromosomes d3: The D3 palette is from the categorical colors used by D3.js (version 3.x and before). locuszoom: The LocusZoom palette is based on the colors used by LocusZoom igv: The IGV palette is from the colors used by Integrative Genomics Viewer for representing chromosomes uchicago: The UChicago palette is based on the colors used by the University of Chicago startrek: This palette is inspired by the (uniform) colors in Star Trek tron: This palette is inspired by the colors used in Tron Legacy futurama: This palette is inspired by the colors used in the TV show Futurama rickandmorty: This palette is inspired by the colors used in the TV show Rick and Morty simpsons: This palette is inspired by the colors used in the TV show The Simpsons